英语习语:Bunk, bunkum, buncombe


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

bunk 作为一个名词,其中一个意思是空话或胡言乱语。complete nonsense or something that is not true.

习语 bunk的起源有着很清晰的记录。1820年,当美国国会议员菲利克斯·沃克(Felix Walker)发表了一篇冗长而无关的演讲,仅仅是为了推迟对“密苏里妥协案”(Missouri Compromise)的投票时,他说这是“为了邦科姆”(for Buncombe),指的是他在北卡罗莱纳州邦科姆县(Buncombe County)的选民。Buncombe (邦库姆)立刻变成了胡言乱语的意思。

Bunkum 后来成为更常见的拼写方式,尽管许多作家仍然通过拼写buncombe来尊重这个词的起源。目前在很多情况下,它通常被缩短为bunk


When we did, we proved that North Carolinians, like voters across America, can be attracted to tough-talking candidates who challenge the establishment, bark out simple solutions to the most complicated problems, inexplicably advocate programs far out of the mainstream, and generally be totally full of bunkum.(chathamjournal.com)


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