今日英语词汇: buy into sth, drive home, overbearing, revisit, high-handed, pack up


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

buy into sth
— phrasal verb with buy verb (BELIEVE)
to completely believe in a set of ideas
I don’t buy into all that New Age stuff. 我根本不相信那些什么新思潮。

At the start of his presidency, Trump regarded Europe as an afterthought. Now, there seems little left to the relationship but a bitter aftertaste for EU leaders who spent three years trying and failing to coax and cajole the combustible American into buying into the Western alliance. (Politico)

drive home
Make clearly understood, make a point
使人明白; 击中要害;中肯;讲清楚

These are not “one-off” incidents. There is a system in this country where the police force is trained to view civilians as the enemy and vice versa. These people getting attacked and bloodied only drives home the point—the system must change.

disapproving /ˌoʊ.vɚˈber.ɪŋ/ (Cambridge)
too confident and too determined to tell other people what to do, in a way that is unpleasant

The response in other cities and towns, however, has been much worse. In many cases, the police have responded with overbearing force and oppressive violations of rights, even. (The National Interest)

to talk or think about something again, with the intention of improving it or changing it
Gun laws need to be revisited. 枪支法律需要重新考虑。

Our overriding goal is not the perpetuation of this situation, but rather an improved environment wherein the carriers of both parties will be able to exercise fully their bilateral rights,” said the U.S. Department of Transportation’s order Wednesday. “Should the CAAC adjust its policies to bring about the necessary improved situation for U.S. carriers, the Department is fully prepared to revisit the action it has announced in this order.” (CNBC)

adjective disapproving/ˌhaɪˈhæn.dɪd/
using power or authority more forcefully than is needed, without thinking about the feelings or wishes of other people
高压的;专横的 (Cambridge)

Many former senior officers and government officials have rightly protested Donald Trump’s calling upon the military to clear Lafayette Square on Monday night. There is yet another deleterious consequence of the president’s high-handed decision to have troops confront peaceful American protesters. It is the impact that his actions may have on our fighting men overseas. (The National Interest)

pack up
— phrasal verb with pack verb
1)to give up (an attempt) or stop doing (something)
if you don’t do your work better, you might as well pack up
2)to stop working properly
My camera has packed up. 我的相机出了毛病。

I had dinner the other night with a Democratic pollst


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