今日英语词汇: cancel culture, deepfake, climate emergency, climate strike, influencer, rewilding, die-in, Eco-anxiety


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

cancel culture 抵制运动;抵制文化;网络羞辱;网络封杀
Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. Cancel culture is generally discussed as being performed on social media in the form of group shaming. (dictionary.com)

Ivanka Trump complains of ‘cancel culture‘ after university drops her speech. Ivanka Trump criticized “cancel culture” after Wichita State University dropped her as a commencement speaker. “Our nation’s campuses should be bastions of free speech. Cancel culture and viewpoint discrimination are antithetical to academia,” Trump tweeted Friday. (washingtonexaminer.com)

deepfake ( or deep fake ) 伪造视频图像; 深度造假
Deep fake (also spelled deepfake) is a type of artificial intelligence used to create convincing image, audio and video hoaxes. … Deep fake content is created by using two competing AI algorithms — one is called the generator and the other is called the discriminator.

The specter of politically motivated deep fakes disrupting elections is at the top of Citron’s concerns. “What keeps me awake at night is a hypothetical scenario where, before the vote in Texas, someone releases a deep fake of Beto O’Rourke having sex with a prostitute, or something,” Citron told me.

Climate Emergency 气候紧急状态
a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it

In May, the Guardian updated its style guide to clarify that “climate emergency” or “global heating” would be favoured over “climate change” or “global warming” (although the original terms are not banned) – to better reflect the scientific consensus that this was “a catastrophe for humanity”.

climate strike 气候抗争
a form of protest in which people absent themselves from education or work in order to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change

However, the phrase only took off in late 2018, when the young Swedish activist Thunberg’s decision to skip school on Fridays in order to protest in front of the national parliament made headlines around the world. In September 2019, an estimated six million people joined the worldwide climate strike, also known as the Global Week for Future.

a person or thing that influences another; a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media.

As a result, China’s influencers are more advanced than their Western counterparts. With the support of influencer incubators, they build products specifically for their followers to buy through social platforms. Some Chinese influencers are launching their own creative studios, directly competing with ad agencies.

Rewilding 野化
restore (an area of land) to its natural uncultivated state (used especially with reference to the reintroduction of species of wild animal that have been driven out or exterminated).

We use the term “rewilding” to refer to a process by which captive-born tigers learn to survive on their own in large natural enclosures and then are eventually returned to a protected natural environment. Rewilding was necessary in the case of the South China tiger  because there were no known wild South China tigers when the project began – Chinese zoos were the only source of South China tigers.. When they first arrived in South Africa, the two cubs did not recognize a carcass as food. The cubs also had to become familiar with a natural environment.

die-in 装死
A die-in, sometimes known as a lie-in, is a form of protest in which participants simulate being dead. … In the simplest form of a die-in, protesters simply lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead, sometimes covering themselves with signs or banners. (wiki)

Activists young and old gathered on gallery steps, in shopping mall and at Teck offices. Dozens of young people who dropped to the ground for a “die-in” protest in downtown Vancouver marched through city streets, joining millions of other activists across the globe in a mass climate demonstration.

Eco-anxiety 生态焦虑
Eco-anxiety refers to a fear of environmental damage or ecological disaster. This sense of anxiety is largely based on the current and predicted future state of the environment and human-induced climate change.

For over a quarter of a century, United Nations climate negotiations have failed to reach a legally binding treaty. For instance, the failed 1997 Kyoto Protocol was modelled after the success of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which legally required all nations to phase out chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), a chemical used in refrigerators and air conditioners. Eco-anxiety — the difficult emotions caused by environmental conditions and knowledge — is on the rise. Global mean temperatures are rising, as are sea levels. Eco-anxiety will further rise if non-binding agreements, such as the 2015 Paris Agreement, don’t succeed. (firstpost.com)


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