今日英语俚语:cheap shot


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

Cheap shot 是美国俚语,用作名词, 单数 a cheap shot ; 复数 cheap shots.

俚语 Cheap shot 源于美式足球,也叫美式橄榄球,是一种碰撞很激烈的运动。后来运动员创造了 cheap shot 一词,来形容某些没有职业道德,采用暗算小动作来伤害其他运动员的行为。Cheap shot 后来也慢慢走进人们的日常生活。

在日常生活对话中,cheap shot 往往表述对方不公平地批评自己,或恶语相加;

在政治领域, cheap shot 经常被用来形容对手阴险毒辣的诽谤;

在商界,cheap shot 业经常用来形容商界的勾心斗角,恶意中伤,缺乏道德的竞争。


Donald Trump’s cheap shots reveal a very weak man. Why does President Donald Trump, who holds the world most powerful political office, waste his time, energy and insults belittling a quartet of first-year congresswomen?


The magazine article took cheap shots at his physical appearance.
Insults and cheap shots have increasingly substituted intelligent debate.



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