今日英语词汇: clean slate, buckle under sth, as of

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儒琴今日英语词汇 Words & Phrases of the Day

clean slate

a state in which you are starting an activity or process again, not considering what has happened in the past at all;a fresh start; another chance after wiping out old offenses or debts. This idiom often appears as wipe the slate clean.
(过去的事)一笔勾销,重新开始;根本不考虑过去发生过什么,一个全新的开始。clean字面讲是“干净的”意思;slate是“石板”的意思,clean slate 字面意思是“干净的石板”,引伸意思就是就是“之前的不愉快的事一笔勾销,尽弃前嫌,重新开始”。

Still, some Iranian officials have suggested that Tehran could have an interest in pushing through an agreement before the new president takes office in August, to give Raisi a clean slate. (Reuters / June 20, 2021)

contend with sth
— phrasal verb with contend verb /kənˈtend/

to deal with (something difficult or unpleasant); to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation

Most Iran’s voters did not vote for Raisi. But the clerical class opted to contend with public disgruntlement rather than deal with Western fickleness. The cost of US unpredictability was tremendous. (CNN / June 20, 2021)

buckle under sth

to succumb to pressure or stress;to be defeated by a difficult situation;to collapse or give in under the burden of heavy demands or great anxiety.
被…..压垮; 屈服于(困境);被困难的情况打败; 在沉重的负担下崩溃或屈服

Iranians buckling under the strain of a flailing economy have repeatedly protested in large numbers. Too much was at stake, and the conservative clergy want to cut their losses. (CNN/ June 20, 2021)

verb /trænˈspaɪɚ/ formal

occur; happen;take place,go on, occur; to become known or apparent : to be revealed : come to light; to give off vaporous material specifically from the surfaces of leaves
发生; 暴露; 公开;透露; 为人所知; (植物)水分蒸发,蒸腾

Today, once again, democracy in the politically tumultuous Middle East proves more elusive than ever, even as discontent grows. The region has repeatedly been rocked by pro-reform or democracy protests. But these are disorganized masses who face a much more organized, politically hardened elite. So, it may be true, as our Iranian friend said, that real change will take another 30 years to transpire. (CNN/June 20, 2021)

as of

used to indicate a time or date at which something begins or ends
As of 用来表示某物开始或结束的某个时间或日期,。所以 as of 有两层意思: 1) 表示截止…为止 2) 从…开始

China has administered more than 1 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses, an astonishing milestone that comes as the country rolls out an unrivaled inoculation drive.A total of 1,010,489,000 doses have been given as of Saturday (截止到星期六), China’s National Health Commission (NHC) said in a statement.(CNN/June 20, 2021)


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