英语习语:clout list, throw (sb) a curve (ball), fly in the face of sth


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

clout list 关系户名单


Even though he didn’t do well in school, his father’s connections to state senators and local politicians enabled him to be put on the university’s clout list, and he eventually gained admission.

Gov. Blagojevich’s office kept a clout list of hundreds of state employees recommended by lobbyists, lawmakers and major fund-raisers.

 The University of Illinois announced Monday that it will temporarily suspend the use of a clout list in the admissions.

throw (sb) a curve (ball)

​to surprise someone with something that is difficult or unpleasant to deal with.
A curve ball is a pitch in baseball intended to be difficult to hit due to its curving path.

Mother Nature threw us a curve ball last winter with record-breaking amounts of snow.

Her confidence and fact-of-the-matter answers threw police a curve during their questioning.

That’s thrown a curve ball into the leadership contest. Boris Johnson to face court over comments in run up to EU ref.

what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
Chiefly UK

what’s good for the goose is good for the gander

Chiefly US

said to emphasize that if one person is allowed to do something or to behave in a particular way, then another person must be allowed to do that thing or behave in that way, too
— Cambridge Dictionary

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson responded to a question about whether members of his own Conservative (or Tory) party who vote against his proposed deal with the European Union would be effectively kicked out of the party (just like those who have announced that they would vote against a “no deal” Brexit). He answered yes, saying: “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander”.
— Merriam-Webster

Clinton certainly has her own transparency issues, but that doesn’t excuse Mr. Trump. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If Hilary lacks credibility and trustworthiness because of secretiveness, then the same goes for Donald. If American’s want to see what’s on her e-mail server, then they should have the same right to see what’s in his tax returns.
— Economist.com Jun 2nd 2016 6:21 GMT

fly in the face of sth

​to completely oppose what seems sensible or normal

This expression alludes to that of the hen that flies in the face of the dog or fox that attacks her.

The outcome would fly in the face of Mr Johnson’s ‘do or die’ vow to take the UK out of the bloc by Halloween, and insistence he will not ask the EU for another delay. 

The executive orders issued by President Trump fly in the face of the values held in Britain and in most other European countries.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq flew in the face of intelligence reports that stated Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.


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