戴维·玻姆 (David Joseph Bohm, 1917~1992)

戴维·玻姆(David Joseph Bohm , 1917~1992), 是一位美国科学家,他被认为是20世纪最重要的理论物理学家之一,他对量子理论、神经心理学和精神哲学贡献了 非传统的思想。

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Indeed, the attempt to live according to the notion that the fragments are really separate is, in essence, what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that is confronting us today.
事实上,认为社会不是一个系统而是单独分开运转的, 并试图按照这种观念生活,本质上导致了我们今天面临的一系列日益严重极其紧迫的危机。 

What is the source of all this trouble? I’m saying that the source is basically in thought. Many people would think that such a statement is crazy, because thought is the one thing we have with which to solve our problems. That’s part of our tradition.
这一切麻烦的根源是什么? 我认为源头基本上是在思想中。许多人会认为这样的说法是疯狂的,因为思想是我们唯一拥有的用来解决问题的东西。这是我们传统的一部分。

Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others and without distortion and self-deception. Would this not constitute a real revolution in culture.

Yet, in spite of this world-wide system of linkages, there is, at this very moment, a general feeling that communication is breaking down everywhere, on an unparalleled scale.

The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.

In some sense man is a microcosm of the universe; therefore what man is, is a clue to the universe. We are enfolded in the universe.
从某种意义上说,人是宇宙的一个缩影; 因此,人本身就是理解宇宙的一个线索。我们被裹在宇宙中。

Then there is the further question of what is the relationship of thinking to reality. As careful attention shows, thought itself is in an actual process of movement. We havent really paid much attention to thought as a process. we have engaged in thoughts, but we have only paid attention to the content, not to the process.

A corporation is organized as a system – it has this department, that department, that department… they don’t have any meaning separately; they only can function together. And also the body is a system. Society is a system in some sense. And so on.
一个公司是按系统组织的——它有这个部门,那个部门……它们单独分开没有任何意义; 它们只能一起发挥作用。我们的身体也是一个系统。从某种意义上说,社会是一个系统。等等。

Similarly, thought is a system. That system not only includes thought and feelings, but it includes the state of the body; it includes the whole of society – as thought is passing back and forth between people in a process by which thought evolved from ancient times.
同样,思想也是一个系统。这个系统不仅包括思想和情感,还包括身体的状态; 它包括了整个社会——因为思想是从古代进化而来的,是在人与人之间来回传递的。

So one begins to wonder what is going to happen to the human race. Technology keeps on advancing with greater and greater power, either for good or for destruction.所以人们开始想知道人类将会发生什么。无论是好是坏, 技术以越来越大的力量不断发展。

Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is the source of our problems. It’s like going to the doctor and having him make you ill. In fact, in 20% of medical cases we do apparently have that going on. But in the case of thought, its far over 20%.


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