英语习语:dip a toe in ( the water)


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

dip a toe in (the water)

If you dip a toe in the water or dip your toe in the water, you start slowly and carefully doing something that you have not done before, because you are not sure if you will like it or if it will be successful; to start very carefully to do or become involved in something that you are not experienced at.


Sherrod Brown draws positive press as he dips toe in presidential waters, but will it last? Sherrod Brown said he was considering running for president.
谢罗德•布朗(Sherrod Brown)在尝试竞选总统的过程中受到了媒体的积极报道,但这种情况会持续下去吗?谢罗德·布朗(Sherrod Brown)表示,他正在考虑竞选总统。

Former U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday dipped toe into the debate over the Trans-Pacific Partnership, hosting a forum at his presidential library extolling his successor’s Asian free trade deal.
美国前总统布什(George W. Bush)尝试参与有关跨太平洋伙伴关系(tpp)的辩论。周二在自己的总统图书馆主持了一个论坛,赞扬他的继任者达成的亚洲自由贸易协定

But Trump is just dipping his toe in these waters, in stark contrast to the more comprehensive versions many of his GOP primary challengers offered. On the individual income tax side, Trump does nothing to shift to a consumption-type tax.


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