新闻英语词汇: drain the swamp


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

“drain the swamp ” 字面意义是“抽干沼泽”, 是指为了减少蚊子数量以对抗疟疾而将沼泽抽干;”drain the swamp ” 后来演变成一个政治术语,这里的沼泽暗指华盛顿政府,隐喻“抽干官僚主义的沼泽;清除华盛顿政府的腐败”。

 特朗普并不是第一个把“抽干沼泽”的比喻用在政治里的人, 三十多年前,美国总统里根就曾经表示要“抽干官僚主义的沼泽”。

这个短语首次流行是在1983年,当时罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)总统说他去华盛顿是为了“抽干沼泽”(to drain the swamp),指的是限制政府的势力范围和发展。

同样,在众议院少数党领袖南希•佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi) 2007年成为议长之前,她曾表示,在共和党控制众议院10多年后,她必须“抽干沼泽”(drain the swamp)。她还表示,她将首先努力“打破说客与立法之间的联系”。

特朗普的代理人本·卡森(Ben Carson)在共和党总统竞选期间发布的一则广告中再次使用了这个比喻,广告开头他说,“你知道华盛顿是建在沼泽上的吗?”(Did you know Washington is built on a swamp?”)


特朗普继续发扬光大,高频率使用“drain the swamp”来对付华盛顿政府的建制派,也成为特朗普的竞选和执政口号之一。

特朗普当选时从未在政府或军队服役。这也是他吸引众多支持者的原因之一。他来到华盛顿,对他所称的“深层国家”(deep state)深表怀疑。他承诺要抽干这片沼泽。

WASHINGTON — It became such a central slogan of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign that at rallies his supporters would chant the three words representing his pledge to take on big donors and special interests: “Drain the swamp.”

But as President Trump ramps up his 2020 re-election bid, it is clear that he has tolerated if not fostered a swamp of his own in Washington, granting up-close access to deep-pocketed supporters and interest groups willing to write six- and seven-figure checks to his political operation. Some have used the opportunity to plead their cases directly to him. (New York Times)Jan. 26, 2020


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