英语词组:echo chamber


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

echo chamber

an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered;a situation in which people only hear opinions of one type, or opinions that are similar to their own.

echo chamber 字面意思是:回音室,回声室效应。引申:比喻人们只听一种相同的声音或意见。在新闻媒体的讨论中,回音室指的是在一个封闭的系统中,通过交流和重复,信念被放大或加强。人们能够找到强化他们现有观点的信息,而不会遇到相反观点的信息,这可能会导致无意识的认知偏差。

回音室可能会加剧社会和政治的两极分化和极端主义。另一个新出现的术语是“文化部落主义”(cultural tribalism)。许多学者注意到回音室可以对公民的立场和观点产生影响,特别是对政治的影响然而。

互联网扩大了可获取种类和数量。从积极的方面来看,这可能会创造一种更加多元化的信息社会 ; 消极的一面是,更多地获取信息可能导致选择性地接触到“回音室”中相同的声音或信息。一个信息提供者会提出一个主张,许多志同道合的人会重复,然后再重复, 直到大多数人认为这个故事的某些极端变化是真的。

Biden brings out Obama’s echo chamber, puts Israel on defense. While each of these American actions may have standalone rationalizations, the cumulative effect is to put Israel on the defensive – and I think that is exactly what the administration intends. (jpost.com/APRIL 9, 2021)

We don’t always agree on everything; we’re not mutual echo chambers for each other’s policies. (Cambridge )
我们并不总是在所有事情上意见一致; 在政策层面,我们意见不同,不是彼此的回声室。

May 22, 2018 · … where seemingly random, distant events have large consequences — thanks to the pro-Trump echo chamber.

How social media echo chambers fuelled the rise of Boris Johnson.
社交媒体回声室效应是如何推动鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)崛起的。


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