艾迪·范·海伦(Edward Van Halen,1955 – 2020 )

艾迪·范·海伦(1955年1月26日- 2020年10月6日)是一位美国音乐家。他是摇滚乐队范·海伦的吉他手、键盘手、伴唱歌手和主要词曲作者,他和他的兄弟亚历克斯在1972年成立了这支乐队。海伦被广泛认为是摇滚史上最伟大的吉他手之一,并以普及轻拍吉他技术而闻名,这种技术允许双手在指板上演奏快速的音。

It’s always a Catch-22 situation. They hate you if you’re the same, and they hate you if you’re different.
这总是一个两难的局面。如果你和他们一样,他们就讨厌你; 如果你与众不同,他们就讨厌你。

A guitar is a very personal extension of the person playing it. You have to be emotionally and spiritually connected to your instrument. I’m very brutal on my instruments, but not all the time.

There are really three parts to the creative process. First, there is inspiration, then there is the execution, and finally, there is the release.


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