今日英语词汇: end run, half-baked, save someone’s skin, weigh on (one’s) mind, role-play


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day

end run
an evasive trick or maneuver

President Donald Trump’s end run around Congress on coronavirus relief is raising questions about whether it would give Americans the economic lifeline he claims and appears certain to face legal challenges. Democrats called it a pre-election ploy that would burden cash-strapped states. (AP)

adjective informal disapproving
A half-baked idea or plan has not been considered carefully enough.

Trump could face legal challenges on his ability to act without congressional approval, where the power lies on federal spending. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden accused Trump of putting Social Security at risk with what he described as “a series of half-baked measures.” (Axios)

save someone’s skin
rescue someone from danger or difficulty ; to prevent something bad from happening to someone
脱离危险或困难 ; 防止坏事发生在某人身上

Trump increasingly looks — to business and to fellow Republicans — like a loser in November. So they’re more likely to create distance to save their own skins. Sasse also won his May primary, further freeing him.

weigh on (one’s) mind
To cause someone a lot of worry, concern, or anxiety, especially for a long period of time.

Two weekends ago,President Trump met with a group of his closest aides in the conference room of his Bedminster golf club to discuss a subject that has been weighing heavily on his mind: the three scheduled debates with Joe Biden. (Axios)

verb & noun /ˈroʊlˌpleɪ/
to pretend to be someone else, especially as part of learning a new skill
Children play with dolls and role-play to learn about empathy and caring. 孩子们玩玩偶时通过角色扮演学习同情和关心。

In the room with Trump were his son-in-law Jared Kushner, campaign manager Bill Stepien, senior adviser Jason Miller, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who role-played Hillary Clinton in Trump’s 2016 debate prep sessions. (Axios)


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