英语文学词汇:《绿山墙的安妮》第一章段落 22-33

Chapter 1 — Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised 第一章 林德夫人的疑惑 perforce: adverb, /pɚˈfɔːrs/ because it is necessary 必须,只得;必定;当然 spry:adjective /spraɪ/(especially of older people) active and able to move quickly and energetically (尤指上年纪的人)充满活力的,敏捷的 break into something: to begin being successful in a particular type of work or activity 在某一特定类型的工作或活动中开始取得成功 cannery: noun [ C ]/ˈkæn.ɚ.i/ A factory where fish, vegetables, or other foods are canned.把鱼、蔬菜或其他食品制成罐头的工厂