英语文学词汇:《绿山墙的安妮》第一章段落 15-21

儒琴英语文学词汇咀嚼《绿山墙的安妮》(Anne of Green Gables)一书的用词。 《绿山墙的安妮》是加拿大作家露西·莫德·蒙哥马利(L. M. Montgomery)1908年的一部小说。这本书适用于所有年龄段,自20世纪中期以来一直被认为是经典的儿童小说。

Chapter 1 — Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised
第一章 林德夫人的疑惑

段落 15 – 19

“We’re all pretty well,” said Mrs. Rachel. “I was kind of afraid YOU weren’t, though, when I saw Matthew starting off today. I thought maybe he was going to the doctor’s.”

Marilla’s lips twitched understandingly. She had expected Mrs. Rachel up; she had known that the sight of Matthew jaunting off so unaccountably would be too much for her neighbor’s curiosity.

“Oh, no, I’m quite well although I had a bad headache yesterday,” she said. “Matthew went to Bright River. We’re getting a little boy from an orphan asylum in Nova Scotia and he’s coming on the train tonight.”

If Marilla had said that Matthew had gone to Bright River to meet a kangaroo from Australia Mrs. Rachel could not have been more astonished. She was actually stricken dumb for five seconds. It was unsupposable that Marilla was making fun of her, but Mrs. Rachel was almost forced to suppose it.

“Are you in earnest, Marilla?” she demanded when voice returned to her.





“这是真的吗?”雷切尔太太终于缓过神来了,好不容易可以说话了。(崇文书局. Kindle Edition)


start off : to begin to move toward a particular place or in a particular direction 出门旅行;动身出门;踏上旅途
twitch:to move jerkily : quiver 抖动;颤抖
jaunt off :/dʒɑːnt/ v & n, to make a usually short journey for pleasure 短途旅行;为了娱乐的短程旅行
unaccountably:impossible to account for; inexplicable:无法解释地;令人费解地
orphan asylum: a public institution for the care of orphans; orphanage 孤儿院
unsupposable:not able to be supposed 不可能被假定

段落 20 – 21

“Yes, of course,” said Marilla, as if getting boys from orphan asylums in Nova Scotia were part of the usual spring work on any well-regulated Avonlea farm instead of being an unheard of innovation.

Mrs. Rachel felt that she had received a severe mental jolt. She thought in exclamation points. A boy! Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert of all people adopting a boy! From an orphan asylum! Well, the world was certainly turning upside down! She would be surprised at nothing after this! Nothing!


雷切尔太太感到大为震惊,她在心中惊叫:“天哪,男孩!玛瑞拉和马修·卡斯伯特要领养一个男孩!从孤儿院里!疯了!简直是疯了!再也不会有什么比这件事更令她感到吃惊了!再也不会!” (崇文书局. Kindle Edition)


jolt: /dʒoʊlt/: shock; an unpleasant shock or surprise 震惊,惊讶
exclamation point:a mark ! used especially after an interjection or exclamation to indicate forceful utterance or strong feeling 感叹号!表示强有力的话语或强烈的感情
of all people (idiom): —used to emphasize that a specified person is the person one most or least expect to do or know something 用来强调一个特定的人, 这个人是人们最希望或最不希望做或知道某事的人

Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert of all people adopting a boy! 试译:绝对没有想到玛瑞拉和马修·卡斯伯特要领养一个男孩。


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