《苔丝》词汇: idiosyncrasy, levity, nicety, nebulosity, nimbus, vituperation, browbeat,

儒琴英语文学词汇咀嚼《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the Durbervilles)一书的用词。 《苔丝》以哈代的威塞克斯为背景,是一部关于虚伪和双重标准的感人小说。托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840—1928), 英国诗人、小说家。他是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统;晚年以其出色的诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文学。

英语文学词汇 Literature Terms

idiosyncrasy /ˌɪd.i.əˈsɪŋ.krə.si/
Noun: a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group; a peculiarity of constitution or temperament

Every village has its idiosyncrasy, its constitution, often its own code of morality.

levity /ˈlev.ə.t̬i/
noun: lack of steadiness; excessive or unseemly frivolity; humor, merriment, or a lack of seriousness
轻率; 草率;消遣;轻佻; 轻浮

The levity of some of the younger women in and about Trantridge was marked, and was perhaps symptomatic of the choice spirit who ruled The Slopes in that vicinity.

nicety /ˈnaɪ.sə.t̬i/
noun: a fine point, small detail; the quality of showing or requiring careful, precise treatment

The staple conversation on the farms around was on the uselessness of saving money; and smockfrocked arithmeticians, leaning on their ploughs or hoes, would enter into calculations of great nicety to prove that parish relief was a fuller provision for a man in his old age than any which could result from savings out of their wages during a whole lifetime.

nebulosity /ˌnɛbjʊˈlɒsɪtɪ/
noun: the quality or state of being nebulous; cloudy, misty, or hazy; lacking definite form
朦胧; 模糊不清的性质或状态; 多云的、有雾的; 缺乏明确的形式; 星云状态;星云状物;朦胧

the powdery residuum from the storage of peat and other products, the stirring of which by their turbulent feet created the nebulosity that involved the scene.
z这是泥炭和其他物剩下的粉状残渣,这些东西被他们用他们汹涌的脚步一搅动, 就形成了笼罩整个场面的乌烟瘴气。(第十章)

nimbus /ˈnɪm.bəs/
noun: a luminous vapor, cloud, or atmosphere about a god or goddess when on earth; a rain cloud
神或女神在地球上时周围发光的蒸汽、云或大气; 雨云

a young with a wet face, and his straw hat so far back upon his head that the brim encircled it like the nimbus of saint.

vituperation /vaɪˌtuː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/
noun: sustained and bitter railing and condemnation

The rather too inclusive speech brought down a torrent of vituperation from other quarters upon fair Tess’s unlucky head.

browbeat /ˈbraʊ.biːt/
noun: to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech
恐吓; 用严厉的态度或傲慢的讲话来恐吓或扰乱; 威吓;吓唬

Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her;


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