《死亡约定》用词(4)stegosaurus, tachycardic, amorous, alter ego,

儒琴英语文学词汇咀嚼《死亡约定》(The Pact )一书的用词。《死亡约定》 是美国当代畅销书作家朱迪·皮考特(Jodi Picoult)在1998年出版的小说。朱迪·皮考特已经出版了26部小说和短篇小说。她的书在全世界大约印刷了4000万册,被翻译成34种语言。

英语文学词汇 Literature Terms

选词 1:repercussion /ˌriː.pɚˈkʌʃ.ən/ (尤指坏的)影响 (n)

She had several good female friends, but Melanie was the only one for whom the house didn’t have to be cleaned, for whom she didn’t have to wear her makeup, and around whom she could say anything without fear of repercussions, or of looking truly stupid.

选词 2:stegosaurus /ˌsteɡ.əˈsɔːr.əs/ 剑龙

剑龙: 巨大的草食性恐龙,背上有一排巨大的骨质板。

It was impossible to believe that teenagers such as this existed, not when she had one like Chris, who seemed another breed entirely. Perhaps these children, with their stegosaurus hair and leather vests, only happened to look this way on the off hours, transforming themselves into scrubbed (干净健康), well-mannered adolescents during the time they spent with their parents.

选词 3:alter ego /ˌɑːl.tɚ ˈiː.ɡoʊ/ 个性的另一方面,第二自我 (n)

Ridiculous, she told herself. Even the thought of Chris having an alter ego was out of the question. You couldn’t give birth to someone and not sense that something so dramatic was going on.

选词 4:amorous /ˈæm.ɚ.əs/ 表示性爱的;色情的 (adj)

She felt a humming against her hip and shifted, thinking that the amorous couple had gotten a little too close. But the buzzing didn’t stop, and when she reached down to find the source she remembered her beeper, which she’d carried in her purse ever since she’d started up Other People’s Time. It was James who insisted; what if he had to go back to the hospital and one of the kids needed something?

选词 5:catching ( 病毒或情绪)传染性的,感染力的

After crawling out of her sleeping bag, Gus walked across the street to the nearest phone booth, graffitied with sausagelike initials. As soon as James picked up, she heard the hum of the road beneath the tires.

“Gus,” James said, his voice catching. “You’ve got to come.”

And a moment later, leaving her sleeping bag behind, she started to run.

选词 6: tachycardic [tækɪ’kɑ:dɪæk] 心动过速 (adj)

“He’s tachycardic. Get me two large-bore IVs, either fourteen or sixteen gauge, stat. Give him D-5 normal saline, wide open for a liter to start with, please.

选词 7:flail 乱动; 猛击 (v & n)

Chris flailed so suddenly he managed to rip the IV out of his arm. He looked directly at Michael Gold and screamed, but there was no sound, no noise, just wave after wave of fear.

选词 8:scuffle 窸窸窣窣; 匆忙、混乱或移动的动作或声音 (n&v)

“I DON’T GIVE A FUCK about procedure,” James Harte said, and then there was a crash of instruments and a scuffle of footsteps that diverted the attention of the nurses enough to let him duck behind the stained curtain. His son was fighting backboard restraints (固定抬板)and a Philadelphia collar(费城颈托). There was blood everywhere, all over his face and shirt and neck.

选词 9:laceration /ˌlæs.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ 伤口

“EMTs brought him in with a girl,” the doctor said quietly. “From what we can see, he’s got a scalp laceration. We were about to send him to radiology to check skull and cervical vertebral (颈椎) fractures, and if they report back negative, we’ll get him down to CT scan.”

选词 10:triage /ˈtriː.ɑːʒ/ 分诊;患者鉴别

“James?” a tentative voice asked. He turned around to see Melanie and Michael hovering at the edge of the curtain, horrified, no doubt, by all that blood. God only knew how they’d gotten past the dragons at triage. “Is Chris all right?”


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