有关 Cirrhosis of the Liver 常用医学词汇

What’s the function of liver ? 肝的功能是什么?

The liver is an essential organ of the body that performs over 500 vital functions. These include removing waste products and foreign substances from the bloodstream (血液), regulating blood sugar levels (血糖水平), and creating essential nutrients. Here are some of its most important functions:

Albumin (血清中的白蛋白[ælˈbjumən])Production: Albumin is a protein that keeps fluids in the bloodstream from leaking into surrounding tissue. It also carries hormones, vitamins, and enzymes through the body.

Bile (胆汁)Production: Bile is a fluid that is critical to the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine.

Filters Blood(过滤血液): All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver, which removes toxins, byproducts, and other harmful substances.

Regulates Amino Acids (调节氨基酸): The production of proteins depend on amino acids. The liver makes sure amino acid levels in the bloodstream remain healthy.

Resists Infections(抵抗感染): As part of the filtering process, the liver also removes bacteria from the bloodstream.

Stores Vitamins and Minerals(储存维生素和矿物质): The liver stores significant amounts of vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, as well as iron and copper.

Processes Glucose(处理葡萄糖): The liver removes excess glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream and stores it as glycogen(糖源/ˈɡlaɪ.koʊ.dʒən/). As needed, it can convert glycogen back into glucose. (from columbiasurgery.org)

肝的部位解释图(Credit:healthjade.net/liver/ )

What causes cirrhosis? 肝硬化的病因是什么?

Cirrhosis (肝硬化/səˈroʊ.sɪs/)is a type of liver damage where healthy cells are replaced by scar tissue. Common causes include excessive drinking of alcohol, hepatitis (肝炎/ˌhep.əˈtaɪ.t̬əs/)B and C virus infections, and fatty liver that’s caused by obesity (肥胖)and diabetes (糖尿症/ˌdaɪ.əˈbiː.t̬əs/). (from betterhealth.vic.gov.au)

What are the symptoms of cirrhosis? 肝硬化的症状是什么?

You may have no symptoms in the earliest stage of cirrhosis. Symptoms of cirrhosis may not appear until the liver is badly damaged. 在肝硬化的早期阶段你可能没有任何症状。肝硬化的症状可能直到肝脏严重受损才会出现。

Early symptoms of cirrhosis may include 肝硬化的早期症状包括:

feeling tired or weak 感到疲倦或虚弱
itching of the skin 皮肤瘙痒
poor appetite 食欲不振
losing weight without trying 体重下降
nausea and vomiting 食欲不振
mild pain or discomfort over the liver in the upper right side of the abdomen, or belly
muscle loss and weakness 肌肉萎缩和无力
muscle cramps 肌肉痉挛
sexual problems 性问题

As liver function gets worse, people with cirrhosis may have other symptoms, including 随着肝功能的恶化,肝硬化患者可能会出现其他症状,包括:

bruising and bleeding easily 容易擦伤和出
confusion, difficulty thinking, memory loss, personality changes, or sleep disorders
internal bleeding due to the bursting of enlarged veins—called varices (静脉曲张)—in the esophagus (食管/ɪˈsɑː.fə.ɡəs/), stomach, or intestines
swelling in the lower legs, ankles, or feet, called edema (水肿 /ɪˈdiː.mə/ )
swelling of the abdomen from a buildup of fluid, called ascites (腹水[ә’saiti:z])
severe itchy skin 皮肤严重瘙痒
darkening of the color of the urine 尿色变深尿液颜色变深
yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes and skin, called jaundice (黄疸) (from niddk.nih.gov/ )

How is cirrhosis treated? 如何医治肝硬化?

Treatment for cirrhosis depends on the cause and extent of your liver damage. The goals of treatment are to slow the progression of scar tissue in the liver and to prevent or treat symptoms and complications of cirrhosis. You may need to be hospitalized if you have severe liver damage.

Treatment for alcohol dependency. People with cirrhosis caused by excessive alcohol use should try to stop drinking. If stopping alcohol use is difficult, your health care provider may recommend a treatment program for alcohol addiction. If you have cirrhosis, it is very important to stop drinking since any amount of alcohol is toxic to the liver.
Weight loss. People with cirrhosis caused by nonalcoholic fatty liver disease may become healthier if they lose weight and control their blood sugar levels.

Medicines to control hepatitis. Medicines may limit further damage to liver cells caused by hepatitis B or C through specific treatment of these viruses.

Medicines to control other causes and symptoms of cirrhosis. Medicines may slow the progression of certain types of liver cirrhosis. For example, for people with primary biliary cholangitis (原发性胆管炎) that is diagnosed early, medicine may significantly delay progression to cirrhosis. (from mayoclinic.org)


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