有关 Diabetes 常用医学词汇

What is diabetes? 什么是糖尿病?

Diabetes (糖尿病 /ˌdaɪ.əˈbiː.tiːz/) is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin ( 胰岛素 /ˈɪn.sə.lɪn/)or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose (血糖). Hyperglycaemia (高血糖/ˌhaɪ.pɚ.ɡlaɪˈsiː.mi.ə/), also called raised blood glucose or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body’s systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. (from who.int)

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose (血糖), also called blood sugar, is too high. Glucose (葡萄糖) is your body’s main source of energy. Your body can make glucose, but glucose also comes from the food you eat.

Insulin (胰岛素)is a hormone made by the pancreas that helps glucose get into your cells to be used for energy. If you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin, or doesn’t use insulin properly. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells (细胞).

Diabetes raises the risk for damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. Diabetes is also linked to some types of cancer. Taking steps to prevent or manage diabetes may lower your risk of developing diabetes health problems. (niddk.nih.gov/)

2型糖尿病形成简介图 (Credit: healthdirect.gov.au )

Type 1 diabetes 1型糖尿病

Type 1 diabetes 1型糖尿病 (previously known as insulin-dependent (胰岛素依赖型), juvenile or childhood-onset) is characterized by deficient insulin production and requires daily administration of insulin (注射胰岛素). In 2017 there were 9 million people with type 1 diabetes; the majority of them live in high-income countries. Neither its cause nor the means to prevent it are known. (from who.int)

Type 2 diabetes 2型糖尿病

Type 2 diabetes (2型糖尿病)affects how your body uses sugar (glucose) for energy. It stops the body from using insulin properly, which can lead to high levels of blood sugar if not treated.

Over time, type 2 diabetes can cause serious damage to the body, especially nerves and blood vessels (血管).

Type 2 diabetes is often preventable. Factors that contribute to developing type 2 diabetes include being overweight, not getting enough exercise, and genetics (遗传).

Early diagnosis is important to prevent the worst effects of type 2 diabetes. The best way to detect diabetes early is to get regular check-ups (定期体检)and blood tests (验血)with a healthcare provider.

Symptoms (症状) of type 2 diabetes can be mild. They may take several years to be noticed. Symptoms may be similar to those of type 1 diabetes but are often less marked. As a result, the disease may be diagnosed several years after onset, after complications have already arisen. ((from who.int))

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention 2型糖尿病的预防

Lifestyle changes are the best way to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

To help prevent type 2 diabetes and its complications, people should:

reach and keep a health body weight
stay physically active with at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day
eat a healthy diet and avoid sugar and saturated fat (饱和脂肪)
not smoke tobacco. (from who.int)

Diagnosis and treatment 诊断和治疗

Early diagnosis (早期诊断) can be accomplished through relatively inexpensive testing of blood glucose (血糖测试). People with type 1 diabetes need insulin injections (注射胰岛素)for survival.

One of the most important ways to treat diabetes is to keep a healthy lifestyle (健康的生活方式).

Some people with type 2 diabetes will need to take medicines to help manage their blood sugar levels (血糖水平). These can include insulin injections or other medicines. Some examples include:

  • metformin 二甲双胍
  • sulfonylureas 磺酰脲类药物
  • sodium-glucose co-transporters type 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors. 钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2型(SGLT-2)抑制剂。

Along with medicines to lower blood sugar, people with diabetes often need medications to lower their blood pressure and statins(他汀类药物) to reduce the risk of complications.

Additional medical care may be needed to treat the effects of diabetes:

  • foot care to treat ulcers (溃疡)
  • screening (筛查) and treatment for kidney disease
  • eye exams to screen for retinopathy (视网膜病变 /ˌret.ənˈɑːp.ə.θi/) (which causes blindness).
  • 足部护理治疗溃疡
  • 肾脏疾病的筛查和治疗
  • 筛查视网膜病变(导致失明)的眼科检查。


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