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生活英语词汇 English Words in Daily Life

[kaɪˈoʊti] 丛林狼,草原狼 (犬科动物,分布于北美)

The coyote is a canine native to North America. It is smaller than its close relative, the gray wolf, and slightly smaller than the closely related eastern wolf and red wolf. It fills much of the same ecological niche as the golden jackal does in Eurasia, though it is larger and more predatory, and is sometimes called the American jackal by zoologists. — wikipedia

grizzly bear 灰熊

The grizzly bear, also known as the North American brown bear or simply grizzly, is a large population or subspecies of the brown bear inhabiting North America. Multiple morphological forms sometimes recognized as subspecies exist, including the mainland grizzly, Kodiak bear, peninsular grizzly, and the recently extinct Californian Mexican and Ungava-Labrador grizzlies. On average bears near the coast tend to be larger while inland grizzlies tend to be smaller. — wikipedia

Moose ( or elk ) 驼鹿(产于北美; 在欧洲和亚洲称为麋鹿)

The moose or elk, Alces alces, is a member of the New World deer subfamily and is the largest and heaviest extant species in the deer family. Moose are distinguished by the broad, palmate antlers of the males; other members of the deer family have antlers with a dendritic configuration. It typically inhabits boreal forests and temperate broadleaf and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere in temperate to subarctic climates. — wikipedia

bighorn sheep 大角羊(加拿大盘羊习称)

The bighorn sheep is a species of sheep native to North America. The species is named for its large horns. A pair of horns might weigh up to 14 kg; the sheep weigh up to 140 kg. Recent genetic testing indicates three distinct subspecies of Ovis canadensis, one of which is endangered: O. c. sierrae. Sheep originally crossed to North America over the Bering Land Bridge from Siberia; the population in North America peaked in the millions, and the bighorn sheep entered into the mythology of Native Americans. — wikipedia

[ˈbiːvər] n. 河狸,海狸(水栖啮齿动物,加拿大的象征)

The beaver is a large, primarily nocturnal, semiaquatic rodent. Castor includes two extant species, the North American beaver and Eurasian beaver. Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges. They are the second-largest rodent in the world. Their colonies create one or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators, and to float food and building material. — wikipedia

[ˈtʃɪpmʌŋk] n. 花鼠,金花鼠,花栗鼠(栖于北美,属松鼠科)

Chipmunks are small, striped rodents of the family Sciuridae. Chipmunks are found in North America, with the exception of the Siberian chipmunk which is found primarily in Asia. — wikipedia


Marmots are relatively large ground squirrels in the genus Marmota, with 15 species living in Asia, Europe and North America. These herbivores are active during the summer when often found in groups, but are not seen during the winter when they hibernate underground. They are the heaviest members of the squirrel family. — wikipedia

Pikas 鼠兔

A pika is a small mountain-dwelling mammal found in Asia and North America. With short limbs, very round body, and even coat of fur, and no external tail, they resemble their close cousin the rabbit, but with short rounded ears. The large-eared pika of the Himalayas and nearby mountains is found at heights of more than 6,000 metres, among the highest of any mammal. — wikipedia

Mule Deer 黑尾鹿 和白尾鹿

The mule deer is a deer indigenous to western North America; it is named for its ears, which are large like those of the mule. The several subspecies include the black-tailed deer and white-tailed deer. — wikipedia

bison (尤指北美)野牛
noun [ C ]/ˈbaɪ.sən/

美洲野牛,也通常被称为美洲 buffalo ,曾经在北美地区成群地生活。在19世纪,由于商业狩猎和屠宰的结合以及家畜疾病的引入,牛几乎灭绝了。20世纪中期,恢复和保护野牛工作扩大,如今野生野牛数量约为3.1万头。

caribou (北美)驯鹿
noun [ C ]/ˈker.ɪ.buː/ plural caribous or caribou


muskox ( musk ox or musk-ox ) 麝牛



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