英语词组:pencil in 


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

pencil in

to put (someone or something that may be changed later) on a schedule, list, etc;to schedule or plan something for a tentative or temporary time or date;To tentatively or temporarily schedule one for an appointment (that may or may not change).

草拟,初定;把(某人或某物以后可能会改变)放在日程表、清单等上; 暂定或临时为某人安排约会(可能改变也可能不改变)。

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — When it comes to starting a trade war — and ending one — it takes two to tango.
President Donald Trump arrives here for a G-20 summit Thursday with Chinese President — and their eye-for-an-eye trade dispute — at the top of his dance card, a scheduled talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin below it and a possible encounter with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman not yet penciled in.
阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯——当涉及到发起一场贸易战和结束一场贸易战时,只有两个人才能跳起探戈。特朗普到达在这里举行20国集团峰会周四与中国主席——以及他们以眼还眼贸易争端——他的舞蹈卡片的顶端, 计划与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在它的下面, 可能遇到与目前还没有排进计划的沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨尔曼。


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