英语词组:sticking point


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

sticking point

a subject that is very difficult to reach agreement about;an obstacle to progress toward an agreement or goal;an item (as in negotiations) resulting or likely to result in an impasse;A sticking point in a discussion or series of negotiations is a point on which the people involved cannot agree and which may delay or stop the talks. A sticking point is also one aspect of a problem which you have trouble dealing with.

分歧点; 症结; 一个很难达成协议的问题;达成目标协议的障碍;讨论或谈判的症结

May hopes to obtain “reassurances” from Europe over arrangements relating to the Irish border, the main sticking point for British MPs. She was forced to postpone a parliamentary vote on the deal on Monday when it became clear she would suffer a humiliating loss that could have finished her premiership.

Last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Vice President Joe Biden moderated a panel with some of the world’s top scientists, during which he asked for examples of obstacles they’re facing in the effort to cure cancer—and vowed government support for working through those sticking points. “I promise you I can clear the way,” said Biden, who had recently launched his “moonshot” initiative to find new cures for the disease. (.forbes.com)


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