今日英语词汇: testis, ovarian, oncologist, ramble, be stumped, pit sb/sth against sb/sth, Lucifer effect


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

testicle / testis
noun [ C ] /ˈtes.tɪ.kəl/ plural testes
either of the two round male sex organs that produce sperm and are contained in the scrotum (= bag of skin) below and behind the penis

CORONAVIRUS could linger in the testicles, meaning the deadly virus could persist longer in men, a study has indicated.When Covid-19 enters the body it connects with cells expressing the ACE2 protein, or angiotensin onverting enzyme 2.

adjective /oʊˈver.i.ən/
of or relating to the ovaries or an ovary
/ovarian cancer 卵巢癌/an ovarian cyst 卵巢囊肿

The proteins are found in the lungs, heart and intestines and are also found in large quantities in the testes. While for women, very small amounts are found in ovarian tissue. Statistics indicate that the coronavirus is more likely to severely affect men rather than women.

noun [ C ] /ɑːnˈkɑː.lə.dʒɪst/
a doctor who studies and treats tumours (= masses of cells, as in cancer) in the body: 肿瘤学家

A pilot study has indicated that while women took four days to clear the infection, men took 50 per cent longer, requiring six days. Dr Aditi Shastri, an oncologist at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, and her mother Jayanthi Shastri, a microbiologist at the Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Mumbai, carried out the study.

verb (TALK/WRITE) [ I ] disapproving
to talk or write in a confused way, often for a long time
Sorry, I’m rambling (on) – let me get back to the point. 对不起,扯远了——我再回到要点上来。(Cambridge)

Joe Biden rambled and struggled for words during a CNN interview on Thursday about the coronavirus response, seemingly suggesting the White House should use WWII policies to deal with the pandemic. Speaking to Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Biden stumbled his way through the evening interview, after being asked his thoughts about President Trump’s three-phase plan to reopen the country.

be stumped
to be unable to answer a question or solve a problem because it is too difficult
I’m completely stumped – how did she manage to escape? 我百思不得其解——她是如何逃脱的?
Scientists are stumped by this mystery virus. 这种神秘的病毒把科学家们难倒了。(Cambridge)

Soon after he repurposed his 60-bed cardiac unit to accommodate covid-19 patients, Mount Sinai cardiovascular surgeon John Puskas was stumped: With nearly all the beds now occupied by victims of the novel coronavirus, where had all the heart patients gone? Even those left almost speechless by crushing chest pain weren’t coming through the ER. (The Washington Post)

pit sb/sth against sb/sth
to cause one person, group, or thing to fight against or be in competition with another
It was a bitter civil war, that pitted neighbour against neighbour. 那是一场可怕的内战,使人和人之间相互为敌。
The climbers pitted themselves against the mountain. 攀登者与大山一较高下。(Cambaridge)

Global health crisis pits economic against health concerns. The global health crisis is taking a nasty political turn with tensions worsening between governments locked down to keep the coronavirus at bay and people yearning to restart stalled economies and forestall fears of a depression.

Lucifer effect (Understanding How Good People Turn Evil.)
The Lucifer effect describes the point in time when an ordinary, normal person first crosses the boundary between good and evil to engage in an evil action. This term was coined by the psychologist Phillip Zimbardo who conducted the famous Stanford Prison experiments in which normal people were grouped as ‘prisoners’ or ‘guards’.
路西法效应: 路西法效应描述的是一个普通人第一次跨越善与恶的界限去从事邪恶行为的时间点。这个词是由心理学家菲利普·津巴多创造的。

The Lucifer Effect offers a full reconstruction of the 1971 experiment based on archival video, subject diaries, exit interviews, and other contemporary material. It then gives an introduction to the psychology of social morality as it has developed over the years. (libertarianism.org)


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