英语词组:wash down


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

wash down

动词词组: phrasal verb with wash

accompany or follow food with a drink;to eat food or swallow medicine with a drink that helps or improves it.


The plains of Patagonia. The soaring peaks of the Andes. And the majestic boulevards of Buenos Aires. Argentina is an impossibly vast and beautiful country that keeps drawing travelers back to its varied landscapes and cities. For the adventurous, there’s a great outdoors which few places in the world can match, with unrivalled climbing and hiking from Tierra del Fuego in the south to Salta in the north. For foodies, the best steak in the world, raised on spectacular ranches, cooked on simple parrillas (grills) and washed down with the finest Malbec from Mendoza. And for culture fiends, a capital teeming with the best theater, dance and art in South America.

巴塔哥尼亚平原(the plains of Patagonia)。安第斯山脉( the Ande)高耸的山峰。还有布宜诺斯艾利斯雄伟的林荫大道。阿根廷是一个极其辽阔而美丽的国家,它各种各样的风景和城市不断吸引着游客。对于喜欢冒险的人来说,这里有世界上很少有地方能与之匹敌的绝佳户外活动,从南部的火地岛(Tierra del Fuego)到北部的萨尔塔(Salta)产区进行无与伦比的攀登和徒步旅行。对于美食家来说,世界上最好的牛排来自壮观的牧场,用简单的烤架烹制,再配上来自门多萨(Mendoza)最好的马尔贝克(Malbec)葡萄酒。对于文化爱好者来说,这是一个充满了南美最好的戏剧、舞蹈和艺术的首都。


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