英语谚语 : a cat may look at a king

a cat may look at a king 这个谚语是什么意思?

“A cat may look at A king”是一句谚语,意思是即使地位低的人也有权利。字面意思是:一只猫可以看着国王,与国王对视。该谚语比喻所有的人都因为活着而拥有一定的最低限度的权利;每个人都有权利,人人平等。

a cat may look at a king 这个谚语是怎么起源的?

就像许多谚语一样,它的起源无人知晓。我们所知道的是,它最早出现在1562年出版的早期著名的英语谚语集《约翰·海伍德的谚语和警句》(The Proverbs And Epigrams Of John Heywood)中:“What, a cat may look on a king, ye know!” 



And it is the culture of newspapers – at worst being beholden to some megalomaniac proprietor, but never to the institutions of the state – which fosters a “cat-may-look-at-a-king” arrogance that underpins important freedoms, and is part of our history as a nation. (The Guardian)

You can’t keep us out of the student council office just because we’re underclassmen! A cat may look at a king, after all!


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