今日英语词汇: game out, smell blood, piecemeal


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

game out
to play out several scenarios in order to gauge the outcomes and inform decision-making

“The group, which included Democrats and Republicans, gathered to game out possible results of the November election, grappling with questions that seem less far-fetched by the day: What if President Trump refuses to concede a loss, as he publicly hinted recently he might do? How far could he go to preserve his power? And what if Democrats refuse to give in?” (Boston Globe)

smell blood
to recognize an opportunity to take advantage of someone who is in a difficult situation
发现有机可乘;意识到可以乘人之危 (Cambridge)

Trump wallows in more hypocrisy and lies — and the press corps finally smells blood. Trump’s childish lies are nothing new, but the media has sunk its teeth into his blatant testing hypocrisy. (salon.com)

“If the US sees China making serious reform concessions to the EU, it might smell blood in the water and push even harder on reaching an agreement with Beijing,” said Eurasia Group’s China analyst Kelsey Broderick. “It would likely incentivise US actors to push China hard on phase two [trade deal] commitments.”

/ˈpēsˌmēl/ adjective · adverb
characterized by unsystematic partial measures taken over a period of time;not done according to a plan but done at different times in different ways
零敲碎打的, 缺乏系统性;零零星星地; 一步一步的(地); 在一段时间内没有系统地采取部分措施

Trump aides float piecemeal approach to coronavirus relief in Congress. Top aides to President Donald Trump on Sunday raised the possibility of the Congress passing piecemeal coronavirus relief legislation – an approach opposed by Democrats – with a deadline looming on the expiration of enhanced unemployment benefits. (Reuters)


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