今日英语单词: Gen Zers, jettison, hand-wringing, decomposition, bullish, heist, veer, ineptitude

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

Gen Zers
Also known as Generation Z (or Gen Z for short) the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years

Thanks to zero fees, easy access afforded by the internet, and an unexpected glut of free time on their hands, millennials and Gen Zers are opening online brokerage accounts at a record pace. (Axios)

verb [ T ]/ˈdʒet̬.ə.sən/
1) to get rid of something or someone that is not wanted or needed
The station has jettisoned educational broadcasts. 电台已取消了教育广播。
2) to decide not to use an idea or plan
We’ve had to jettison our trip because of David’s accident. 因为戴维发生了意外事故我们不得不放弃度假计划。(Cambridge)

Wall Street Journal: “The Trump administration has moved to involve much of the U.S. government in a campaign that includes investigations, prosecutions and export restrictions. Nearly every cabinet and cabinet-level official either has adopted adversarial positions or jettisoned past cooperative programs with Beijing.”

the clasping together and squeezing of one’s hands, especially when distressed or worried. an excessive display of concern or distress.

Democrats are in a strong position for the fall. So why all the hand-wringing? I’ve lost count of the number of times recently that a friend or relative has complained about Joe Biden’s relative absence from the media. President Trump is out there every day making his case, and Biden is stuck in his basement, they cry. This is terrible! What’s wrong with Democrats? (The Washington Post)

noun [ U ]/ˌdiː.kɑːm.pəˈzɪʃ.ən/
the action of decaying, or causing something to decay:
The corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition.
Keeping a landfill damp could speed up the decomposition process.
腐烂; 分解

None of these traits are new in Trump; they are part of the reason why some of us were warning about him long before he won the presidency, even going back to 2011. But, more and more, those traits are defining his presidency, producing a kind of creeping paralysis. We are witnessing the steady, uninterrupted intellectual and psychological decomposition of an American president. It’s something the Trump White House cannot hide—indeed, it doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. There is not even the slightest hint of normalcy.

adjective /ˈbʊl.iʃ/
bullish adjective (ATTITUDE) (Cambridge)
giving your opinions in a powerful and confident way
She’s being very bullish about the firm’s future.

The U.S. is bullish on the possibility that the coronavirus outbreak started with a lab accident in China. But U.S. allies say that’s unlikely. (Axios)

noun [ C ] informal/haɪst/
a crime in which valuable things are taken illegally and often violently from a place or person
a $2 million jewellery heist 涉案价值200万美元的珠宝抢劫案(Cambridge)

New Zealand coronavirus: The massive car heist under cover of lockdown. It must have looked like the heist of their dreams. A whole yard full of well-maintained rental vehicles, all lined up, unlocked and ready to go – with the keys inside.(BBC)

verb [ I + adv/prep ] /vɪr/
to change direction
All of a sudden, the car veered off the road. 突然那辆车改变方向冲出了公路。
Moments before crashing, the jet was seen veering sharply to the right. 坠机之前的一瞬间,有人看见那架喷气式飞机猛地转向右方。
Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform. 昨晚一架直升飞机偏离航线撞上了石油钻井平台,恐怕有3人因此死亡。
Our talk soon veered onto the subject of money. 我们的谈话很快就转到了金钱上。(Cambridge)

A raft of new polls from states with competitive Senate races shows momentum veering away from Republican incumbents at a time when doubts are also growing about President Trump’s re-election prospects. (Axios)

noun [ U ]/ˌɪnˈep.tə.tuːd/
the fact of not being skilled or effective:
political/social/economic ineptitude
It was not angry bloggers that rendered the website inaccessible, but sheer technological ineptitude. 缺乏技巧; 无能; 笨拙

I could have picked a dozen other examples over the past 10 days, but these five will suffice. They illustrate some of the essential traits of Donald Trump: the shocking ignorance, ineptitude, and misinformation; his constant need to divide Americans and attack those who are trying to promote social solidarity; his narcissism, deep insecurity, utter lack of empathy, and desperate need to be loved; his feelings of victimization and grievance; his affinity for ruthless leaders; and his fondness for conspiracy theories.


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