英语习语:if/when push comes to shove


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

if/when push comes to shove

The idiom that describes that critical time when a decision must be made, when a commitment must be made, when action must be taken to back up words ( grammarist.com); If the situation deteriorates or becomes desperate; if drastic measures are needed (thefreedictionary.com)

push 一词表示:推动(人或物); 移动(身体部位) 等等;而 shove 一词是push动作的升级版,表示:粗鲁地推,粗暴地推。“push” 要比“shove” 温和。习语 if/when push comes to shove 字面意思是:如果(当)“推动”(push)逐步升级到”粗鲁地推” (shove)。其引申意思是:当事态严重时;在关键时刻,一旦情况紧急, 不得已时,必须做出决定、做出承诺、采取行动来支持自己的言论和行动。

该习语起源于19世纪晚期的美国黑人英语。毫无疑问,当 push comes to shove 这个习语在20世纪50年代的某个时候开始在书面英语中普及之前,就已经在口语中使用了。

If push comes to shove, we can always sell the car.

On the economic side, China has gained a formidable leverage by buying US treasury bonds. As of January 2018, US debt to China stood at USD 1.17 trillion. By buying US bonds, China has directly helped US bank interest rates to remain low. If China were to stop buying US treasury bonds, the US federal government would have to borrow money for its budget from local banks driving the interest rates very high. That would create a terrible financial backlash throwing the US economy along with the rest of the world into recession. China knows that recession would mean lower demands for Chinese consumer products in the US market. But if Trump’s push comes to shove, Beijing would probably not hesitate to call in its loan from US. (thedailystar.net/April 09, 2018)


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