英语习语:in a pickle


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

in a pickle

 in a pickle 英语解释
In a troublesome or difficult situation.;in a quandary or some other difficult position. The adjectives “pretty” and “right” are commonly used before “pickle.” 

 in a pickle 中文解释
陷入困境; 处境困难;在麻烦或困难的情况下;处于困境或其他困难的境地。形容词“pretty”和“right”通常用在“pickle”之前。

in a pickle 来源
Pickle这个词来源于一个荷兰词pekel,意为辣酱或卤水(picy sauce or brine)。所以,being in a pickle就是置身于卤水之中,这绝对是一个令人不愉快的地方。然而,这个短语在日常生活中的使用要归功于英国人。他们用pickle来指由几种配料混杂而成的酱汁。因此,in a pickle是指处于一种令人不愉快的混乱之中。

in a pickle 原文举例
David Catanese: “Mitch McConnell can see the future — and knows it’s likely to place Republicans in a pickle.”

“He sees a rapidly recovering economy, an increasingly vaccinated population and general optimism budding across the country like bluegrass at the start of springtime. And he’s realized the GOP needs an explanation for the shower of good news coming in the opening months of a new Democratic administration.” (mcclatchydc.com)March 30, 2021


他看到了经济的迅速复苏,疫苗接种人数的增加,以及像春初的蓝草一样在全国各地萌发的普遍乐观情绪。他意识到,共和党需要一个解释,因为在新一届民主党政府上台后的头几个月里,传来了大量的好消息。” 2021年3月30日


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