英语习语:in the cards


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

on the cards (UK)
in the cards (US)

If you say that something is on the cards in British English, or in the cards in American English, you mean that it is very likely to happen;very possible or likely.

in the cards (美国英语 ),on the cards (英国英语):很可能的,可能或即将发生的。

该习语 on the cards 是指的是算命的卡片,生命从卡片上开始。这个词在狄更斯的几部小说中已经广为人知了,比如1852年的《荒凉山庄》(Bleak House)中: It don’t come out altogether so plain as to please me, but it’s on the cards.(它并没有简单到让我高兴的地步,但它是有可能的。)

Brussels sources claimed May was just keeping up a pretence that the legal guarantee she had promised rebellious Tory MPs during this week’s leadership challenge was still on the cards.

More heavy snow is forecast for the dismal mid-Atlantic states this weekend. If another week of Lower Slobbovia is in the cards, Hillary may be tempted to curse the blizza


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