英语热搜词:insidious, egregious, emolument, trot sb out

insidious 阴险的; 隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的
adjective /ɪnˈsɪd.i.əs/
(of something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly causing harm
insidious 在16世纪初进入英语,最初的意思是“等待机会进入,诡诈”。这个词可以追溯到拉丁语 ambush,意思是“埋伏”。 insidious 衍生的意思包括“具有逐渐和累积的效果”和“逐渐发展,以便在变得明显之前已经既成事实”。

Two of the most striking passages in the transcripts come from Sondland. In one exchange, he describes how Giuliani’s demands of Ukraine “kept getting more insidious as [the] timeline went on.” In another, he expresses his view that the insistence that Ukraine investigate former vice president Joe Biden was “improper,” and possibly illegal.
— Politico 11/05/2019 01:42 PM EST

egregious 非常糟糕;令人讨厌的; 极坏的;令人震惊的
adjective /ɪˈɡriː.dʒəs/
Conspicuously bad or offensive;extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable。同义词:flagrant
egregious 来自拉丁语单词Egregious, 字面意思是“远离羊群”,是“杰出的”或“杰出的”。这也是该词英语最初的用法,但如今 egregious 一词用法含有强烈的否定含义。

A headline in The New York Times reads:

The word egregious was used in instant messages sent by the pilot, which indicate that Boeing may have misled the Federal Aviation Administration about the safety of the automated system.
— October 18, 2019.

emolument 酬金,酬劳,薪水
noun [ C or U ] /ɪˈmɑːl.jə.mənt
the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites
emolument 来源于拉丁语 emolumentum (意思是“优势”),从15世纪开始就在英语中使。目前该词韦氏词典定义为:用因工作或受雇而获得的回报,通常以补偿或补助的形式。

The idea immediately generated controversy. Trump is already fighting three lawsuits suggesting that he is violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officeholders from personally profiting from payments by foreign governments.
— Eli Stokols and Noah Bierman, The Los Angeles Times, 17 Oct. 2019

trot sb out
to make someone appear in public, usually to represent an organization or an opinion; to bring someone to represent or defend your idea or opinion in public, in a way that is not new or interesting.

I don’t expect anything to change in future hearings. Democrats will trot out witnesses they have already vetted in private. Anti-Trump acolytes throughout the media-entertainment complex will pronounce they are shocked at the revelations, all while refusing to even contemplate that maybe the Biden family should at least be looked into.
—- The Washington Post Nov.16, 2019


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