今日英语词汇: Ivy League, foggy bottom, hail from somewhere, make the cut, sequencing, reinstate, delinquent


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

Ivy League
/ˌaɪ.vi ˈliːɡ/
a group of eight respected colleges and universities in the northeast of the US

Ivy League grads have a leg up in State Department promotions, stats show. On the one hand, the chart shows how far the Foreign Service has come from the days when it was largely the domain of a handful of elite Northeast private schools. At the same time, the data raise more questions about why Ivy League graduates seem to have a leg up in promotions.

foggy bottom
a humorous name given to the US State Department because of the fog (=thick mist) that often surrounds its offices in Washington, D.C.

Morale has hit rock bottom at Foggy Bottom, as American foreign service officers languish and Rex Tillerson builds a mini-empire.(foreignpolicy)

hail from somewhere
— phrasal verb with hail verb
to come from or to have been born in a particular place

Today, U.S. diplomats are drawn from far more diverse backgrounds than those who represented America to the world in 1940. But new, rarely seen statistics from recent years suggest that when it comes to climbing the ladder at the State Department, it still doesn’t hurt to hail from the “Harvard clique.” (Politico)

make the cut
to meet the requirements necessary for an application to be successful or to be selected from a group of candidates.

State Department alumni said they rarely witnessed any favoritism in the Foreign Service based on where someone had attended college. For one thing, joining the Foreign Service is such a rigorous process — often involving a written test, oral assessments and more — that it’s presumed that anyone who makes the cut is capable.(Politico)

noun [ U ] /ˈsiː.kwən.sɪŋ/ 排序,定序
1. the process of combining things in a particular order, or discovering the order in which they are combined
2. the process of discovering the order in which nucelotides (= chemical substances) are combined within DNA

An epidemiologist with the Beijing government said on Sunday a DNA sequencing of the virus showed the Xinfadi outbreak could have come from Europe. (Reuters)

verb [ T ] formal /ˌriː.ɪnˈsteɪt/
to give someone back their previous job or position, or to cause something to exist again

Coronavirus resurgence forces Beijing to reinstate isolation measures. Several districts in Beijing reinstated security checkpoints, ordered residents be tested and closed schools on Monday in response to an unexpected resurgence of the coronavirus in the Chinese capital.

adjective /dɪˈlɪŋ.kwənt/ US formal
late (in paying money owed)

Said Trump: “Germany’s delinquent. They’ve been delinquent for years. They owe NATO billions of dollars and they have to pay it.” (Bloomberg)


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