约翰·洛克(John Locke, 1632 -1704 )

约翰·洛克(John Locke, 1632 -1704 )英国哲学家和医生,被广泛认为是启蒙运动最具影响力的思想家之一,被称为“自由主义之父”

What worries you, masters you.

Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip.
我们的收入就像我们的鞋子:如果太小,它们就会折磨和夹我们的脚; 但如果太大,就会让我们绊倒。

Fashion for the most part is nothing but the ostentation of riches.时尚在很大程度上不过是炫耀财富而已。


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