今日英语词汇: kitchen cabinet, leave in the lurch, turn the screw on, bedside manner, a rough patch, have a fight on one’s hands


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

kitchen cabinet
noun [ C ]
a small group of people who give unofficial advice to a political leader

Trump’s new kitchen cabinet, a combination of White House and campaign employees led by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, includes Parscale’s recently promoted deputy Bill Stepien and two communications aides from the 2016 campaign — Hope Hicks and Jason Miller, who was recently hired by the campaign and is increasingly seen as its principal strategist. (Wasshington Post)

leave (someone) in the lurch
to leave (someone) without help or protection when it is needed
需要帮助或保护时候, 使(某人)失去帮助或保护

Hundreds to thousands of Canadians could be left in the lurch due to Trump’s extended visa ban. Hundreds of Canadians working for technology companies or multinational corporations in the United States could be affected by a new ban that freezes the issuance of temporary work visas until the end of the year. (nationalpost)

turn the screw(s) (on someone)
To exert excessive and coercive pressure, force, or threats of violence on someone.

U.S. turns screws on maritime industry to cut off Venezuela’s oil. Several companies that certify vessels are seaworthy and ship insurers have withdrawn services to tankers involved in the Venezuelan oil trade as the United States targets the maritime industry to tighten sanctions on the Latin American country. (Reuters)

bedside manner
noun [ S ]
the way in which a doctor treats people who are ill, especially showing kind, friendly, and understanding behaviour
医生对病人关心体贴的态度 (Cambridge)

Dr. Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public but he has been wrong about everything I have ever interacted with him on,” White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told CBS News, before listing instances where he and Fauci diverged on how best to respond to the pandemic. (CBS)

a rough patch
If you have or go through a rough patch, you have a lot of problems for a time.

Parscale hits a rough patch as Trump’s campaign manager. A political novice who became a Republican celebrity after running Trump’s online ad effort in 2016, Parscale has long operated without a campaign manager’s usual autonomy, as Trump family members exert their influence. (Washington Post)

have a fight on one’s hands
(Expression) face opposition; resistance;This phrasing is often used in the conditional sense to indicate that if things go a certain way, then the path will be difficult. It’s like saying “these difficulties will become your responsibility

Polls show Trump has fight on his hands in Kansas and Montana. Public and private polling shows President Trump “not only trailing badly in swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin, but running closely with [Joe] Biden in traditionally conservative bastions like Kansas and Montana,” the New York Times reports.


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