今日英语词汇:little love lost, hot button, clinch victory, awry

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儒琴今日英语词汇 Words & Phrases of the Day

with (one’s) head held high

Displaying pride and confidence, often (but not always) after something has gone wrong.
昂首挺胸; 经常(但不总是)在事情出错后表现出骄傲和自信

Addressing parliament before Bennett was sworn in, a combative Netanyahu said: “If we are destined to go into the opposition, we will do so with our heads held high until we can topple it.” ( Reuters/ June 13, 2021)

hot button
noun [ C ] informal

a subject that is important to people and about which they have strong opinions; a topic or issue that is highly charged emotionally or politically.

The new government, formed after an inconclusive March 23 election, largely plans to avoid sweeping moves on hot-button international issues such as policy toward the Palestinians, and to focus instead on domestic reforms. (Reuters/June 13,2021)

clinch victory

to manage to win or achieve something by doing one final thing that makes it certain
(通过做最后一件事)确定的赢得胜利; 锁定胜利

But he was weakened by his repeated failure to clinch victory in four elections over the past two years, including a vote in March, and by an ongoing corruption trial, in which he has denied any wrongdoing. (Reuters/June 13,2021)

little love lost (no love lost)

used to say that people dislike each other; If you say that there is no love lost between two people or groups or there is little love lost between them, you mean that they do not like each other at all.

But little love has been lost between the two men: Bennett once served as Netanyahu’s chief of staff and had a rocky relationship with him as defence minister. In the run-up to the new government, Bennett spurned Netanyahu’s call to join with him, rather than with Lapid. (Reuters/June 13,2021)

adjective ( US usually underhanded)

acting or done in a secret or dishonest way;done secretly, and sometimes dishonestly, in order to achieve an advantage

His opponents have long reviled what they see as Netanyahu’s divisive rhetoric, underhand political tactics and subjection of state interests to his own political survival. Some have dubbed him “Crime Minister” and have accused him of mishandling the coronavirus crisis and its economic fallout. (Reuters/June 13,2021)

adjective [ after verb ], adverb /əˈraɪ/

away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss.
出错; 出岔子;偏离适当的、计划的或预期的路线;。

Biden said it was not yet certain whether or not “a bat interfacing with animals and the environment… caused this COVID-19, or whether it was an experiment gone awry in a laboratory”. (Reuters/June 13,2021)

/pɑːmp/ noun

ceremony and splendid display, especially at a public event; impressive and colourful ceremonies, especially traditional ceremonies on public occasions

The monarch, attired in a bright pink floral outfit, had warmly greeted Biden and his wife Jill in the Quadrangle of the castle, home to the royal family for nearly 1,000 years, where they were treated to a taste of British pomp. (Reuters/June 13,2021)


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