英语习语:loaded for bear


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

loaded for bear

prepared to deal with attacks or criticism : prepared to fight or argue. (Merriam-Webster);fully prepared for any eventuality, especially a confrontation or challenge. (Oxford)

loaded for bear 字面意思:为了对付熊,把子弹上膛,目的是为了制服熊而作好充分准备。其引申意思是:作好充分准备以对付最棘手的问题;准备应付攻击或批评:准备战斗或争辩 ;对任何可能发生的情况,特别是对抗或挑战做好充分准备。

这个关于熊的习语起源于19世纪的北美。最初是就是按字面上使用的,意思是把枪装上足够的弹药来杀死一头熊. …虽然人们现在很少捕猎熊了,但是“loaded for bear”这个成语却越来越流行。

Party leaders were left to explain why they had not been more nimble in questioning a witness loaded for bear, since everyone knew Lewandowski would show up with the intention of causing havoc.
(CNN Sep 18, 2019)
(CNN 2019年9月18日)

President Trump will walk into a lion’s den of angry allied leaders at this week’s Group of Seven summit, where he is expected to face a firestorm of criticism over his decision to hit them with steep tariffs on steel and aluminum. Reinsch said he expects the summit to be one of the tensest in recent history and said the other six countries are “loaded to bear.” (The Hill 6/6/2018)
在本周的七国集团(Group of Seven)峰会上,特朗普总统将走进愤怒的盟国领导人的狮子窝,预计他将因对钢铁和铝征收高额关税的决定而面临猛烈的批评。赖因施说,他预计这次峰会将是近期历史上气氛最紧张的一次,并说其他六国已经“作好充分准备”。(国会山6/6/2018)


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