英语习语:low-hanging fruit


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

low-hanging fruit

a thing or person that can be won, obtained, or persuaded with little effort;the obvious or easy things that can be most readily done or dealt with in achieving success or making progress toward an objective.

The term “lowhanging fruit” is a commonly used metaphor for doing the simplest or easiest work first, or for a quick fix that produces ripe, delectable results.

low-hanging fruit 字面意思:长在低处的果实。引申为:容易实现的目标;唾手可得。

轻而易举的事,轻而易举的事不费多少努力就能赢得、获得或说服的事或人; 显而易见的或容易的事;在取得成功或朝着目标前进时最容易做或处理的事;先做最简单或最容易的工作,快速产生令人愉快的结果。

When cutting costs, many companies start with the low-hanging fruit: their ad budgets.
在削减成本时,许多公司都从最容易实现的目标开始: 广告预算。

For some of the Trump administration’s most controversial Cabinet members, this will likely mean a new level of scrutiny and direct confrontation that they have not yet faced. Congressional Democrats will be under pressure from their own base to show some immediate results. Luckily for them, there is no shortage of low-hanging fruit to choose from. Indeed, Trump would be wise to act now and pre-empt some of the inevitable embarrassment that will result if investigations go forward.


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