新闻英语词汇: nut-cutting time


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

nut-cutting time 一般性定义 给出的定义是: A point in time in which extreme, drastic, or decisive action is required; a period, usually near the end of an endeavor, when pressure to succeed is most intense; crunch time.


nut-cutting time 来源

关于“ nut-cutting time ”这个短语的确切出处,人们存在一些分歧。一般有两种来源解释。第一种,有些人认为这个短语可以追溯到养牛场(cattle ranches)。牧场主必须决定哪头牛将被阉割(castrated),哪头牛不被阉割成长为公牛。做出这个阉割决定和阉割过程,对于农场主是个 nut-cutting time 。在这种情况下, nut-cutting time 这个短语表达暗示了一种痛苦但仍然必要的责任。

另一种来源解释跟工业语境有关。Nut 一词有螺母的意思, nut-cutting time 是指尝试了所有可能的方法来移除生锈螺母,但无法成功,只能被迫将螺母从螺栓上切下来,作为最后的解决方案。在这种情况下,这个短语指的是对一个问题的不完美的解决方案,这种解决方案只有在所有其他方法都已尝试过的情况下才合适。

nut-cutting time 政治延伸意思

威廉·萨菲尔(William Safire)被广泛认为是第一个在出版物中使用这个短语的作家。萨菲尔的政治词典将“ nut-cutting time ”定义为“一种政治阉割的俚语暗指:拒绝恩惠和权力的剥夺; 或者,对需要注意的细节的痛苦关注。”

Nut cut time 体育延伸意思

Nut cut time 也用于体育运动中,意为“关键时刻”,也就是最优秀的球员使出浑身解数展示实力的时刻。


It’s Nut Cutting Time: Cowboy Libertarian Wisdom And Political Commentary By Patrick Dorinson: It has been over a week since Donald Trump upset the liberal apple cart and stormed to victory to become the 45th President of the United States. Ever since, liberals across America have been rending their garments and wailing in the streets and on Twitter as if the Book of Revelation was coming true and the world was coming to an end. ( 20, 2016)

I mean it changes every year. The league changes,” Grimm said. “But the bottom line is, bigger is always better. And I’m gonna live and die with that. The toughness factor, when it comes to nut-cutting time, you want tough guys playing for you. You can take some of these Cadillacs or whatever, he runs a 4.3, but he runs a 4.3 every fifth time he runs a route, you know what I’m saying? ( 5, 2014)


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