英语词组:on board (with)


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

词组 on board 基本有三层意思。 on board 最初字面意思是:在火车(或轮船、飞机、汽车)上。With all passengers on board, the stationmaster blew the whistle and the train left the station. (thefreedictionary.com)

词组 on board 后来引申为:准备好参加;参与;(尤指为了特殊目的而)参与。Our company has a computer specialist on board to advise us about the latest technology. Welcome to the company, Tom. We’re all glad you’re on board now. (thefreedictionary.com)

词组 on board with, 经常在口语交流或新闻报道中出现,表示同意某个观点;跟某人看法接近;意思接近 agree with or belive you。

Biden on board with immigration reform in $3.5T reconciliation bill. President Biden mentioned he backs Democrats’ efforts to incorporate immigration reform measures in their $3.5 trillion price range reconciliation bill.

Is everyone on board with the new plan? Then let’s get to work!

Senate Republican leaders scramble to get Trump on board with health care compromise. President Donald Trump says he does not support a bipartisan agreement to stabilize insurance markets in its current form, leaving members of Congress questioning how exactly he wants to change the bill before he endorses it. (abcnews.go.com/18 October 2017)


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