
英语杂谈:Homophones 同音异形异义词

同音词,是指发音与另一个词相同但意思不同的词。同音词在拼写上有可能相同,如:例如 bear (携带) 和 bear (动物);更多情况下,它们的拼写是不同的, 如:rain、reign 和 rein。所以,homophone 一般翻译成:同音异形异义词。

homophone 同音词也可以用于比单词长或短的单位,如短语、字母或与另一个短语、字母或字母组发音相同的字母组。任何具有这种性质的单位都被称为同音的异义的“homophonous”。


Aisle vs. isle
Aloud vs allowed
Altar vs. alter
Ant vs aunt
Arrant vs. errant
Ascent vs. assent
Auger vs. augur
Aural vs. oral
Aureole vs oriole
Axis vs axes
Aye vs eye
Bait vs. bate
Bark vs barque
Baron vs barren
Base vs bass
Beat vs beet
Beer vs bier
Beau vs bow
Bight vs. bite
Bobble vs bauble
Booze vs boos
Braid vs brayed
Breeches vs britches
Brewed vs brood
Bridle vs. bridal
Callous vs. callus
Cantor vs canter
Canvas vs. canvass
Capital vs. capitol
Carrot, carat, karat, caret
Carrel vs carol
Cay, quay and key
Chaste vs chased
Cheap vs cheep
Chic vs sheik
Chorale, vs choral or corral
Chow vs ciao
Chute vs. shoot
Clew vs clue
Click vs clique
Clime vs climb
Complement vs. compliment
Coop, coup or coupe
Cord vs chord
Creek vs creak
Crewel vs cruel
Crumby vs. crummy
Cue vs. queue
Currant vs current
Cursor vs curser
Descendant vs. descendent
Desert vs dessert
Disburse vs. disperse
Discrete vs. discreet
Douse vs. dowse
Deign vs Dane
Dual vs. duel
Dyeing vs. dying
Eaves vs eves
Eek vs eke
Eminent vs. immanent vs. imminent
Exalt vs. exult
Earn vs urn
Exercise vs. exorcise
Eyelet vs islet
Fate vs fete
Faun vs. fawn
Fay vs fey
Faze vs. phase
Few vs phew
Fain vs. feign
File, phial or faille
Fissure vs fisher
Flack vs. flak
Flair vs. flare
Flecks vs flex
Flocks vs phlox
Floe vs flow
Flu vs. flue
Flue vs flew
Foaled vs fold
Foe vs faux
Forbear vs. forebear
Forego vs. forgo
Foreword vs. forward
Forth vs fourth
Foul vs. fowl
Freeze vs frieze
Gaiter vs gator
Gall vs Gaul
Gallop vs galop
Gambol vs. gamble
Gaff vs. gaffe
Gild vs. guild
Glare vs glair
Gofer vs. gopher
Gorilla vs. guerrilla
Grate vs great
Grieve vs greave
Grip vs grippe
Grisly vs. grizzly
Guise vs guys
Hairy vs. harry
Hall vs haul
vs have
Hangar vs. hanger
Hart vs heart
Hawk vs. hock
Hay vs hey
Hail vs. hale
Heal vs. heel
Heard vs herd
Heroin vs. heroine
Hew vs. hue
Hi vs high
Hoar vs whore
Hoard vs. horde
Hoarse vs horse
Holey vs. holy
Holy vs wholly
Hour vs our
Humus vs. hummus
Hymn vs him
Impassable vs. impassible
Imperial vs empyreal
Idle vs idol
Incite vs insight
Innate vs enate

Jewel vs joule
Jam vs. jamb
Junkie vs.

Knap vs nap
Knickers vs nickers
Knight vs night
Kernel vs colonel
Knit vs nit
Knob vs nob
Koan vs cone
Laps vs lapse
Laze vs lase
Leach vs leech
Lean vs lien
Leased vs least
Lentil vs lintel
Lamb vs lam
Liar vs lyre
Licker vs liquor
Lieu vs loo
Limb vs limn
Llama vs lama
Load vs lode
Loan vs lone
Loath vs. loathe (vs. loth)
Locks vs lox
Loop vs loupe
Loot vs lute
Maize vs maze
Make do vs. make due
Mach vs mock
Mall vs maul
Manner vs. manor
Mantel vs. mantle
Mare vs mayor
Mark vs marque
Marry vs. merry
Marshal vs. martial
Martin vs marten
Mask vs masque
Meat, meet or mete
Medal, meddle, metal, mettle
Might vs mite
Mince vs mints
Mind vs mined
Miner vs minor
Missed vs mist
Mode vs mowed
Moose vs mousse
Morays vs. mores
More vs moor
Morning vs mourning
Mucous vs. mucus
Muscle vs mussel
Nay vs neigh
Need vs knead
Need vs kneed
New vs gnu
Nice vs gneiss
Nicks vs nix
Nock vs knock
Naval vs. navel
Nose vs knows
Nun vs none
Offal vs awful
Ombré ombre or hombre
Oracle vs auricle
Overbilled vs overbuild
Overdo vs. overdue
Ode vs owed
Oversees vs overseas
Packs vs pax
Paean, paeon, peon
Pail vs pale
Pain vs pane
Pair vs. pare vs. pear
Palate, palette, pallet
Pale in comparison
Parish vs perish
Parol vs parole
Paste vs paced
Paten vs patten
Patience vs patients
Pause vs paws
Pea vs pee
Peak vs. peek vs. pique
Peal vs. peel
Pearl vs purl
Pedal vs. peddle vs. petal
Per vs purr
Pica vs pika
Picks, pix or pyx
Pidgin vs pigeon
Pistol vs pistil
Plait vs plate
Plantar vs planter
Pleural vs plural
Plum vs. plumb
Poo vs. pooh
Poof, pouf or pouffe
Pore over vs. pour over
Praise vs preys
Pray vs. prey
Premier vs. premiere
Prescribe vs. proscribe
Pride vs pried
Quaff vs coif
Quarts vs quartz
Quince vs quints
Quire vs choir
Quaff vs coif
Rail vs rale
Rain, reign and rein
Raise vs rays
Raise vs raze
Rancor vs ranker
Rappel vs. repel
Rapt vs. wrapt
Rack vs. wrack
Recede vs reseed
Red vs read
Reed vs read
Reek vs wreak
Repeal vs repeel
Resister vs resistor
Rest vs wrest
Retch vs. wretch
Review vs. revue
Rhyme vs rime
Ring vs. wring
Riposte vs repost
Road vs rode
Roam vs Rome
Roil vs royal
Role vs. roll
Rood vs rude
Root vs. route vs. rout
Rot vs wrought
Rouse vs rows
Rows vs rose
Rude vs rued
Ruff vs rough
Rumor vs roomer
Rung vs wrung
Rye vs wry
Saccharin vs. saccharine
Sachet vs sashay
Sail vs sale
Savor vs saver
Sawed vs sod
Scull vs skull
Seam vs seem
Sear vs. seer vs. sere
Seas, sees or seize
See vs sea
Seen vs scene
Segue vs Segway
Serf vs surf
Sew vs. sow
Shake vs sheikh
Shear vs. sheer
Shoe vs shoo
Shone vs shown
Shutter vs. shudder
Sic vs. sick
Side vs sighed
Sight vs. site
Sign vs sine
Signet vs cygnet
Since, sense and cense
Sink vs sync
Site vs cite
Slay vs sleigh
Slough vs slew
Slow vs sloe
Soar vs sore
Soared vs sword
Sole vs soul
Some vs sum
Sorted vs sordid
Speck vs spec
Spitz vs spits
Staff vs staph
Staid vs stayed
Stair vs stare
Stake vs steak
Stationary vs. stationery
Stent vs stint
Step vs steppe
Stolen vs stollen
Storey vs. story
Straight vs. strait
Sty vs stye
Style vs stile
Succor or succour vs sucker
Suede vs swayed
Suite vs sweet
Summary vs. summery
Sun vs son
Sunday vs sundae
Surge vs serge
Symbol vs cymbal
Tail vs. tale
Taught vs taut
Taught vs tot
Taupe vs tope
Tea vs tee
Team vs teem
Tear vs tare
Tear vs tier
Teas vs tease
Tent vs tint
Tern vs turn
Than vs. then
Their, there, they’re
Threw vs. through
Throes vs throws
Thyme vs time
Tic vs. tick
Tide vs tied
Tinder vs tender
Tinsel vs tensile
Titan vs tighten
To vs. too
Toe vs tow
Told vs tolled
Tole vs toll
Ton vs. tonne
Tor vs tore
Tough vs tuff
Troop vs. troupe
Trussed vs trust
Trustee vs. trusty
Turban vs turbine
Undo vs undue
Vale, vail, or veil
Verses vs. versus
Vice vs. vise
Vain vs vane
Waddle vs. wattle
Wade vs weighed
Waive vs. wave
Waiver vs. waver
Wander vs. wonder
Ware, wear and where
Warn vs worn
Wart vs wort
We’ll vs wheel
Weak vs week
Wean vs ween
Weir vs we’re
Wend vs wind
Wet vs. whet
Wack vs. whack
Whacks vs wax
Whale, wail or wale
Which vs witch
While away vs. wile away
While vs wile
Whine vs wine
Whir or whirr vs were
Whirl vs whorl
Whiz, whizz, wiz
Who’s vs. whose
Whoa vs woe
Wholistic and holistic
Whoop vs. whup
Wit vs. whit
Wither vs. whither
Won vs one
Wood vs would
Word and whirred
World vs whirled
Worst vs wurst
Wrath vs rath
Wreck vs reck
Wrote vs rote


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