新闻英语词汇: on the ropes


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

on the ropes 处境危险

原文举例: New York (CNN Business)Netflix, once a darling of Wall Street, is suddenly on the ropes.The streaming giant will report its second-quarter earnings on Tuesday, and it’s shaping up to be one of the most consequential moments in the 25-year history of the company.

all bets are off 世事难料;难于预测

原文举例:But will any of that matter if Tuesday’s numbers are so lackluster that Wall Street fully turns its back on Netflix? “Once Netflix becomes heavily undervalued by the market, all bets are off,” Hare said.

right the ship 调整方向

原文举例:“Investors will give them time to right the ship but they need to hear more solid plans about the path towards immediate growth,” Hare said. “It’s all about communicating how they are evolving the business to ensure they continue to win in streaming… No one has the stomach for a business losing millions of subscribers every quarter.”

allergic to 极其不喜欢

原文举例:The company announced Wednesday that it will partner with Microsoft on a new, cheaper ad-supported subscription plan. Despite Reed Hastings, Netflix’s CEO, being allergic to the idea for years, advertising is now a major part of Netflix’s plans to boost revenue going forward. The new tier will reportedly come before the end of 2022, but Netflix admits its nascent ad business is in its “very early days.”

lackluster 无光泽;黯淡

原文举例:The company is also focusing on clamping down on password sharing and focusing on creating compelling content to help turn the tide. But will any of that matter if Tuesday’s numbers are so lackluster that Wall Street fully turns its back on Netflix?


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