今日英语单词: one-off, headscratcher, anglosphere

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day


意思adjective & noun: done, made, or happening only once and not repeated;something done, made, or happening only once, not as part of a regular sequence.
一次性的; 非经常的; 一次性的事物; 绝无仅有的事物


U.S. officials did not give a time frame for when Australia would deploy a nuclear-powered submarine, or how many would be built. A U.S. official said Washington had shared nuclear propulsion technology only once before – with Britain in 1958. “This is frankly an exception to our policy in many respects… We view this as a one-off.”

one-off tax deductible donations to charity;the meeting is a one-off

rotational deployments

意思: rotational deployments 指轮换部署,相对于Forward Stationing (前线驻扎)。

举例:WASHINGTON, Sept 16 (Reuters) – Australia and the United States announced expanded military cooperation on Thursday, including rotational deployments of all types of U.S. military aircraft to Australia, a day after announcing a submarine deal denounced by China as intensifying a regional arms race.


意思:The ability of military equipment or groups to operate in conjunction with each other.

举例:Speaking after meetings between the U.S. and Australian foreign and defense ministers, Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton said the two sides would be “significantly enhancing our force posture cooperation, increasing interoperability and deepening alliance activities in the Indo-Pacific.” ( Reuters)


意思: verb: to aim at an object or objective : direct 瞄准瞄准某一物体或目标: 指向

举例:France has trained its ire about the agreement on Australia, with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian calling it a “real stab in the back.” (CNN)


意思 verb : to abandon or get rid of as no longer of enough worth or effectiveness to retain
放弃; 抛弃

举例: French officials have also scrapped an upcoming reception at the French Embassy in Washington, DC, and toned down celebrations to commemorate a a Revolutionary War naval victory by the French that helped the US to win its independence. (CNN)


意思 verb: make (something) appear less important than it really is; play down, de-emphasize

举例:Secretary of State Antony Blinken similarly sought to downplay the rift between the US and France, stressing the importance of Paris as “a vital partner” in the Indo-Pacific and around the world. (CNN)


意思:something hard to understand or explain;something that is confusing, mysterious, or hard to understand

举例:Leaving aside France’s wounded pride, the new geopolitical pact between English-speaking maritime powers (known as AUKUS and pronounced “aw-kiss”) presents a strategic headscratcher for the EU. (CNN)

anglosphere 盎格鲁圈

意思:the countries of the world in which the English language and cultural values predominate
“盎格鲁圈” (Anglosphere),也称“盎格鲁-撒克逊传统的民主国家联盟”,它的概念并非十分明确,主要用来指以英语为主要本地语言、核心人口血缘来自不列颠群岛、具有相似的文化传统的国家组成的集团。(徐爽)

举例:She added that as the US-China battle for soft power escalates, Brussels’ plan of “oscillating between Washington and Beijing will not work for the EU in the long run,” if countries like France and Germany decide they want a closer relationship with their Anglosphere allies. (CNN)


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