今日英语词汇: outstay your welcome, whiff, pile it on, pregnant silence, poles apart

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儒琴今日英语词汇 Word and Phrases of the Day

outstay your welcome
to continue to stay in a place although other people want you to leave
(在某处)呆得太久而变得不受欢迎 (Cambridge)

The powerful images of protests emerging from Beirut, Baghdad and Algiers remind us once again that Arab authoritarianism has outstayed its welcome. But, in the eyes of many, it hasn’t yet outlived its usefulness.
— The Washington Post Nov 13, 2019

Verb /wɪf/
(chiefly in baseball or golf) try unsuccessfully to hit the ball;
Fig: miss the target
Chief North American

Still, one of the buzziest moments seemed to break in his favor. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro took a veiled jab at Biden’s age and whiffed. Politically, the moment seemed to backfire and left Castro more bruised.
—CNN Sep 13, 2019

pile it on
pile on
to say too much, especially giving too much emphasis;

Castro’s pile-on was clumsy. By repeatedly asking Biden: “Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?” the former HUD Secretary actually built empathy for the former vice president.
— CNN Sep 15, 2019

Feb. 25, 2016 · … candidates went after frontrunner Donald Trump at Thursday night’s debate in the biggest Trump pile-on yet.
— Business Insider Feb 25, 2016

pregnant silence
A long pause in speech that indicates a lot of meaning or significance; a pause/silence in which everyone is waiting or listening for something, or a moment of silence which is full of meaning.

Bolton is unlikely to go quietly given his flair for public relations and long list of media contacts. He seems unlikely to emulate the dutiful but pregnant silence on Trump by former Defense Secretary James Mattis as he promotes his book.

The most telling part of his speech was the pregnant silence before he denied any wrongdoing.

poles apart
completely opposite

“We work very closely with the President of the United States,” said Pompeo, who is not that ideologically different than Bolton but is poles apart on handling Trump.


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