今日英语单词: overhype 过度宣传、过度渲染

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今日英语单词 Word of the Day

overhype /ˌoʊ.vɚˈhaɪp/


to advertise or discuss something in newspapers, on television, etc. too much, so that it seems bigger or better than it really is (cambridge.org)

to hype (something or someone) to an excessive degree (merriam-webster)

To promote or publicize to excess (freedictionary)




I think most people in rural China may have some misunderstandings about the virus, which may come from the overhyping of this virus by the state in the past two years. This is one of the reasons why people are so afraid,” he said, adding that he still supports the government’s careful treatment of Covid-19 during the pandemic. (CNN)

”我认为中国农村的大多数人关于新冠病毒可能会有一些误解,这可能由于在过去两年里国家媒体夸大针对这种病毒有害性的宣传。这就是为什么人们如此害怕的原因之一。” 他并补充说他仍然支持政府在大流行期间采取的谨慎措施。

These visions have a sparkling appeal. But will they come true, or will they harden into garish embarrassments like the predictions for AI and neural networks? Overhype is a real danger to nascent technology. Daniel McNeill and Paul Freiburger (merriam-webster)



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