《苔丝》词汇: flummery, unflinchingly, profession, pernicious, spurious, gratuitous, sanguine

But her father, who is quite as opposed to such flummery as I, says that can be cured. It is a mere girlish outbreak which, I am sure , will not be permanent. 但是她的父亲和我一样反对这种空洞的言行,他说这种病是可以治好的。这不过这是女孩子的一种冲动,我相信这种冲动不会永远持续下去。(第26章)

《苔丝》词汇: garish, incarnate, plumb, careworn, imbibe

An up hill and down dale ride of twenty-odd miles through a garish midday atmosphere brought him in the afternoon to a detached knoll a mile or two west of Talbothays, whence he again looked into that green trough of sappiness and humidity. 在日光耀眼的中午,他骑马上下坡,走了二十多英里,下午来到了塔尔波西边一两英里处的一座独立的小丘,在那里,他又望见了前面的瓦尔谷或弗鲁姆谷,湿润,一片青葱。(第27章)

《苔丝》词汇: heterodoxy, vouchsafe, phlegm, untrammelled, prig,

A prig would have said that he had lost culture, and a prude that he had become coarse. Such was the contagion of domiciliary fellowship with the Talbothays nymphs and swains. 一个学究气的人看到他,一定会说他失去了文化修养,一个过分拘谨的人看到他,一定会说他变得粗俗了。这就是因为他和塔尔波斯的那些大自然的儿女们共同生活,受到他们的感染。(第25章)

《苔丝》词汇: sap, threadbare, profundity, aqueous, scintillate,

Rays from the sunrise drew forth the buds and stretched them into long stalks, lifted up sap in noiseless streams, opened petals, and sucked out scents in invisible jets and breathings. 朝阳射出一束束的光线,使嫩芽花蕾长出,舒展成长长的茎杆,使汁液无声无息想溪流一样流淌,使花蕾绽放,让芳香在无形的气流中随处散发。(第二十章)

《苔丝》词汇: heaviness, fondness, readiness, soundlessness, intentness, newness, lateness,

But certain cows will show a fondness for a particular pair of hands, sometimes carrying this predilection so far as to refuse to stand at all except to their favourite, the pail of a stranger being unceremoniously kicked over. 但是,有些奶牛会对某人的双手表现出喜特别爱,有时这种偏爱甚至会发展极端地步,除非是它们喜欢的人,否则它们就不好好站在那里,遇到陌生人,它们会被毫不客气地踢翻奶桶。(第十九章)

《苔丝》词汇: peremptorily, untenable, stultify, stint, desultory, hobnob,

There is no institution for whose history I have a deeper admiration; but I cannot honestly be ordained her minister, as my brothers are, while she refuses to liberate her mind from an untenable redemptive theolatry. 我最尊重这个几个的历史。但是,如果它拒绝从一种站不住脚的救赎神学中解放出来,我实在不能像我的哥哥们那样,被任命为她的牧师。(第十八章)

《苔丝》词汇: intrinsically, ethereal, invidious, transmutation, fetishistic, fetishistic, phlegmatically,

And probably the half-unconscious rhapsody was a Fetishistic utterance in a Monotheistic setting; women whose chief companions are the forms and forces of outdoor Nature retain in their souls far more of the Pagan fantasy of their remote forefathers than of the systematized religion taught their race at later date. 也许这半无意识的吟咏是一神论背景下的拜物教话语;以户外自然的形态和力量为主要伴侣的妇女,在她们的灵魂中保留的多半是她们遥远祖先的异教幻想,很少后来教给她们人类系统化的宗教。(第十七章)

《苔丝》词汇: convexity, wretched, lurid, apotheosize, gnomic,

The lurid presentment so powerfully affected her imagination in the silence of the sleeping house that her night gown became damp with perspiration, and the bedstead shook with each throb of her heart. 在寂静的房子里,可怕的景象强烈地激发了她的想象力,她的睡衣被汗水湿透了,床架随着她的心跳而震动。(第十四章)

《苔丝》词汇: hollow, covert, sentient, heliolatry, concatenation, stubble, tresses,

It was a hazy sunrise in August. The denser nocturnal vapours, attacked by the warm beams, were dividing and shrinking into isolated fleeces within hollows and coverts, where they waited till they should be dried away to nothing. 那是一个8月里的早晨,太阳在雾蒙蒙中升起。夜间较浓的雾气,在温暖的光线的照射下,正在分散、收缩成一个个白团,躲进山谷和树丛里,在那里等待,直到让阳光晒得无影无踪。(第十四章)

《苔丝》词汇: transcendent, evanescent, innuendo, despondency, attenuated, flexuous,

In the afternoon, several young girls of Marlot, former schoolfellows and acquaintances of Tess, called to see her, arriving in their best starched and ironed, as became visitors to a person who had made a transcendent conquest ( as they supposed), and sat round the room looking at her with great curiosity. 下午,有几个马洛特村的年轻姑娘,她们是苔丝以前的同学和熟人,都来看她,她们穿上了熨过、浆过最好的衣服,就像拜访一个取得了非凡胜利的人(她们是这样想的)一样,坐在房间里,好奇地看着她。(第十三章)