《苔丝》词汇: frigidity, oblivion, jade, obscurity, appropriate,

why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man, many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order. 为什么粗野的人往往把高雅的人占为己有,为什么男人能占有他不应该占有的女人, 女人占有她不应该占有的男人。几千年的分析哲学都未能对我们的秩序感做出清楚的解释。(第十一章)

今日英语单词: browbeat, overture, arrest, speak volumes, spin, death knell

今日英语单词: browbeat, overture, arrest, speak volumes, spin, death knell。儒琴今日英语单词选自日常用语,欧美报刊文章, 以及英语原文小说。每天坚持学习今日英语单词,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品;增强日常英语交流能力。

今日英语词汇: put someone on the back foot, go down the rabbit hole, boxed in, grandstanding, vituperative, write off

今日英语词汇: put someone on the back foot, go down the rabbit hole, boxed in, grandstanding, vituperative, write off。儒琴英语词汇选自欧美报刊文章以及英语原文小说。坚持学习英语今日词汇,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品。

《苔丝》词汇: idiosyncrasy, levity, nicety, nebulosity, nimbus, vituperation, browbeat,

The staple conversation on the farms around was on the uselessness of saving money; and smockfrocked arithmeticians, leaning on their ploughs or hoes, would enter into calculations of great nicety to prove that parish relief was a fuller provision for a man in his old age than any which could result from savings out of their wages during a whole lifetime. 周围农庄上的主要谈话内容是存钱无用;穿着罩衫的算术家们,倚着他们的犁或锄头,开始进行非常精细的计算,以证明教区的救济对一个人的老年来说,比从他们一生的工资中储蓄出来的任何东西都要合算。(第十章)

《苔丝》词汇: bough, slight, sedate, mien, repugnance, disjointed,

She had the mobile face frequent in those whose sight has been decayed by stages, has been laboriously striven after, and reluctantly let go, rather than the stagnant mien apparent in persons long sightless or born blind. 她的脸活灵活现的,这是那些视力逐渐衰退、经过艰苦努力而又不情愿地失去视力的人常有的表情,而不是长期失明或天生失明的人常有的那种呆滞的表情。(第九章)

英语习语:Bunk, bunkum, buncombe

英语习语:Bunk, bunkum, buncombe。习语可以是一个词或短语,要理解习语的意思不能脱离其文化背景。习语一词的含义甚广,其蕴含的意义往往不能从词或词组的字面意思推测而得。习语在所有语言中都很常见。英语习语是日常英语的重要组成部分。在英语的书面语和口语中,存在海量的习语。