《苔丝》词汇: coiffure, wont, exultingly, misgiving,

However, as the moment for the girls' setting out drew nigh, when the first excitement of the dressing has passed off, a slight misgiving found place in Joan Durbeyfield's mind. 然而,随着姑娘们出发的日子越来越近,最初给姑娘打扮的兴奋劲儿过去了,琼·德贝菲尔德心里却有了一丝疑虑。(第七章)

《苔丝》词汇:liberal, prefigurative, parenthetic, worth one’s weight in gold,

“Mr d'Urberville says you must be a good girl if you are at all as you appear; he knows you must be worth your weight in gold. He is very much interested in ' ee --- truth to tell.” “德伯维尔先生说,如果他没看错的话,你一定是个好姑娘;还说你千金难买呐。说实话,他对你非常中意。”(第六章)

今日英语单词: Smother

今日英语单词: Smother。儒琴今日英语单词选自日常用语,欧美报刊文章, 以及英语原文小说。每天坚持学习今日英语单词,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品;增强日常英语交流能力。

今日英语词汇: Ivy League, foggy bottom, hail from somewhere, make the cut, sequencing, reinstate, delinquent

今日英语词汇: Ivy League, foggy bottom, hail from somewhere, make the cut, sequencing, reinstate, delinquent。儒琴英语词汇选自欧美报刊文章以及英语原文小说。坚持学习英语今日词汇,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品。

《苔丝》词汇: penury, broach, deferential, trepidation, snug, tête-à-tête, discomfiture,

Tess, meanwhile, as the one who had dragged her parents into this quagmire, was silently wondering what she could do to help them out of it; and then her mother broached her scheme. 与此同时,苔丝觉得是她把父母拖进这个泥潭的,所以她默默地想怎样帮助父母摆脱目前的困境。这时她母亲提出了她的打算。(第五章)

《苔丝》词汇: beatitude, gaunt, glibly, tractable, nocturnal, conterminous, iridescence, extemporize,

The mute procession past her of trees and hedges became attached to fantastic scenes outside reality, and the occasional heave of the wind became the sigh of some immense sad soul, conterminous with the universe in space and with history in time. 从她身边无声地擦身而过的树木和树篱,变成了现实之外的奇异景象,偶尔的风声,变成了一个巨大悲伤灵魂的叹息,这一灵魂在空间上与宇宙相连,在时间上与历史相连。(第四章)

《苔丝》词汇: divine, blithe, cow, shiftless,

Her rebuke and her mood seemed to fill the whole room, and to impart a cowed look to the furniture, and the candle, and children playing about, and to her mother's face. 她的责备和她的情绪似乎充满了整个房间,使家具、蜡烛、玩耍的孩子们和她母亲的脸都显出一种惊恐的神色。(第三章)

《苔丝》词汇: mantle, brawny, metamorphose, singularity, cadaverous, grotesque, titter, untinctured,

The clubbists tittered, except the girl called Tess -- in whom a slow heat seemed to rise at the sense that her father was making himself foolish in their eyes. 乡社的女人在窃笑,只有那个叫苔丝的姑娘例外——她一意识到她父亲她们面前出了洋相,心里有一股燥热暖暖升起。(第二章)