《死亡约定》用词(3) travesty, litany

英语文学词汇 Literature Terms 选词 1:hypotenuse [haɪˈpɑːtənuːs] (直角三角形的)斜边,弦 (n) Their land, together, formed a square; two triangles meeting along a common hypotenuse. The Hartes’ land was narrow at the driveway and then opened up; the Golds’ land did the reverse, so that the houses were only about an acre apart. But they were separated by a small thicket of woods that did not completely block out the view of the other home.

《死亡约定》用词(2)blurt, flippant, sleepover, ruefully

《死亡约定》用词(2)blurt, flippant, sleepover, ruefully 英语文学词汇 Literature Terms 选词 1: blurt 脱口而出,不假思索地说(v) They were linked by the one thing they had in common—Augusta Harte—but Gus had not yet arrived. So they sat in the companionable awkwardness caused by knowing extremely private things about each other that had never been directly confided, but rather blurted by Gus Harte to her husband in bed or to Melanie over a cup of coffee. James cleared his throat and flipped the chopsticks around his fingers with dexterity. “What do you think?” he asked, smiling at Melanie. “Should I give it all up? Become a drummer?”

W·克莱门特·斯通(W. Clement Stone, 1902 -2002 )

W·克莱门特·斯通(W. Clement Stone ,1902年5月4日-2002年9月3日),杰出企业家,慈善家和自助励志作家。与其相信这个世界在密谋伤害你,不如相信这个世界在密谋对你有利。不要把每一个困难的挑战都看成是消极的,而是要把它看成是可以丰富你的东西,赋予你力量,或者推动你的事业的东西。

《死亡约定》用词(1)incarnation, nook, cradle, ball it up

《死亡约定》用词(1)incarnation, nook, cradle, ball it up. 英语文学词汇 Literature Terms 选词 1: incarnation /ˌɪn.kɑːrˈneɪ.ʃən/ 化身(noun) There was nothing left to say. He covered her body with his, and as she put her arms around him she could picture him in all his incarnations: age five, and still blond; age eleven, sprouting; age thirteen, with the hands of a man. The moon rolled, sloe-eyed in the night sky; and she breathed in the scent of his skin. “I love you,” she said.

Covid-19 疫苗英语词汇
