英语词组:pan out


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

pan out

turn out; to happen, end, or develop in a particular way , especially succeed; If something, for example a project or some information, pans out, it produces something useful or valuable.

pan out 类似 turn out, 表示取得发展,取得结果;这个结果往往是好的,成功的,有价值。这个短语来自19世纪,当时淘金者把淘金盘(pan)浸在小溪和河流中,希望 pan out 金子,实现财富梦。pan out 这个词组是不及物的动词,后面一般不跟宾语。

We’ll have to see how things pan out.

Their attempt to start a new business didn’t pan out.

Democrats’ hope of a Blue Wave didn’t pan out as they expected. President Donald Trump was not hit by a “Blue Wave”, a potential groundswell of Democratic opposition that had been expected to help them win the White House and the US Senate, in addition to the House of Representatives already in their control.
民主党人对“蓝色浪潮”的期望并没有取得像他们预期那样的结果。美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)没有受到“蓝色浪潮”(Blue Wave)的冲击。“蓝色浪潮”指的是民主党的潜在反对浪潮,此前人们预计这将帮助他们赢得白宫和美国参议院,以及已经在他们控制下的众议院。


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