今日英语俚语:pass the buck


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

pass the buck

shift the responsibility for something to someone else; buck passing, or passing the buck, or sometimes (playing) the blame game, is the act of attributing to another person or group one’s own responsibility; to evade responsibility by passing it on to someone else.


Trump keeps passing the buck to Congress. On Obamacare subsidies, the Iran deal, and DACA, the president has taken unprecedented steps to hand executive authority back to lawmakers.

All presidents point fingers at the opposing party. But Trump’s attempt to pass the buck on his party’s failure to approve a health care reform bill breaks with the way his predecessors sought to tout the power of the presidency by arguing responsibility stops in the Oval Office — and could contribute to his difficulties facing his administration during its first six months and beyond.
所有的总统都指责对方。但就未能批准一项医疗改革法案一事,特朗普试图把责任推卸给的政党。这样他结束他的前任总统们试图兜售总统的权力方式, 让椭圆形办公室来负责任负责任。这可能会导致会他的政府会在第一个前六月前遇到困难。


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