英语习语:pay through the nose


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

pay through the nose

pay much more than a fair price;to pay an exorbitant amount of money (for something), especially more than is reasonable.

“pay through the nose” 字面意思是:“用鼻子付钱”。作为英语习语,该词组的意思是:付费过高;花钱过多;付出比合理价格高得多的价钱;为(某物)付出过高的价钱,尤指超过合理的价格。该俚语来源可能暗指丹麦于9世纪在爱尔兰征收的鼻子税(nose tax),拖欠税款的纳税人将被割开鼻子作为惩罚。

With Trump poised to exact high tariffs on goods from China, it’s tempting to declare the gadget party over: everyone is going to pay through the nose for electronics, from makers to Apple, and that’s the end of the story, right?


For the plumber in Memphis, the songwriter in Nashville and the bakery owner in Chattanooga who have been paying through the nose since Obamacare took effect, the Trump administration might have found a solution. This new association health plan rule could allow you to buy the same sort of insurance, at a lower cost, as employees of larger companies are able to do. That only makes sense.



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